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The basis of all confrontations in life has solely relied on the act of betrayal and injustice. It's always been about the action done rather than the intent behind the action and the principles driving such actions and decisions.

"How could you,"
"You broke my heart when you did this,"
"You broke my trust,"
These are the responses of the shock of one being on the receiving end of hurt, betrayal, and pain.

"My deal-breaker is cheating."
"My deal-breaker is lying."
"My deal-breaker is manipulation and excessive control."

People use these as a compass to navigate the intricacies of their multiple relationships. The biological and neurological build-up of human beings is much more complex than the calibrations of our emotional readings. Responding heatedly to the woes of life just because of what was done is not substantial enough. It'll always revert back to principle. It will always revert back to the the why's. How one could decide to consciously behave in a certain manner, make a decision, or say a word/words that would implicate that of the next person in a grotesque and inconsiderate manner. It also matters who has done the act of betrayal and hurt. It also matters the dynamic of the relationship one has with the "perpetrator." 

It is not only because you cheated, it is because you cheated on me, someone you claim to love, someone you married and started a family with, someone you vowed to stay true to and loyal to. It is not only because you cheated, it is because your cheating translated to me the shallowness of the principles and values you inhibit, the love you claim to have and the future you airily proclaim to build towards. It is not only because you cheated. It is because you chose to disrespect and humiliate me and the sacred union we've been blessed to share. It is not only because you cheated. It is because you decided to engage in and participate in an act that would sabotage and break years' worth of friendship, trust, and love. It is not only because you cheated. It is because you singled me out for not being good enough by doing with someone else what you should have been doing with me. It is because of principle, how flawed yours were, how incompatible yours were to mine. 

It is not only because you lied, it's because you did not find me trustworthy enough to share with me your honesty. It is not only because you lied, it is because you shared with me someone else, someone that I did not know, it is because you introduced to me a stranger instead of a friend. It is not only because you lied, it's because you branded what we shared as not worthy of transparency and vulnerability. It is not only because you lied, it is because I was sharing with you all of me while you gave me nothing. It is not only because you lied, it's because while I was opening myself up like a sunflower in summer, you presented to me a box. It is not only because you lied, it is because you showed me what I'd known as friendship through the years was small talk to you.

It is not only because you called me ugly, it's because you chose to call me by a different name instead of my own. It is not only because you called me ugly, it's because you chose to see me as the exterior of my skin and the marks of the journey of life it bore instead of who I really was. It is not only because because you called me ugly, it's because you reduced my entire identity to one word. It is not only because you called me ugly. It's because you chose to box my entire being into one derogatory word instead of the beautiful story I was that you never bothered to read.

It is not because of what you did, but the intent and principle behind what you did and said. It is because of Principle, the Principle of Things...

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