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Incorrectly positioned. Temporarily lost. Awkwardly placed. Missing from original placement. Grouped with strangers. Classed with polar opposites. Clashing with existing norms and constructs. Misplaced.

Being misplaced is one of the most frustrating things ever. I liken it to taking a dump in public, outside, for all to see. The toilet, which should be inside, in privacy, is outside for all to see. The act of taking a dump, one that is done in solitude, becomes a public spectacle. It doesn't matter what you think or how uncomfortable you are. If the toilet is placed outside, you know that sooner or later, you're going to have to go and take a dump, in public, for that is the only offering of a toilet for you. How many dumps have we taken in public because there were no toilets inside? How many times have our lives been subjected to public scrutiny, because we couldn't exist outside of the constructs of the world? How many times have we found ourselves awkward, oddly placed, because there was no other place suited for us? How many more dumps are we going to have to take in front of people? Will we ever be awarded the courtesy of choosing?

It's no longer about the issue of privacy, choice, inclusion and consideration. Everyone has adjusted accordingly and succumbed to the pressure and intimidation of what has been introduced as the acceptable way of life and human interaction.

It's now, "If you're going to take a dump outside, might as well look graceful while at it."

This piece is not about taking dumps, you can choose to make it one that does, though. At least here, you'll have a choice....

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