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I've always wondered...
Why do we do the things we do?
Why do we say the things we say? Why do we think the way we do?

I've always been fascinated with how the mind works; how it absorbs information, and how it processes all that it ingests.
I've always been fascinated with how fragile, delicate, and yet equally powerful it was to the human body. A foundation of sorts, a basis, a core crucial part of who we are that motivates our every intent.

This fragile, delicate, and powerful organ, could it give us answers? Reasons? Justifications? To our sometimes? Could it bring sense and understanding to the ability of a human to royally screw up and present their worst face ever out into the open and to themselves?

Are we aware that we each have a sometimes? Do we realise that for as long as we live, a sometimes is inevitable; that it can't be concealed, glamourised, and shelved?
It's unnerving really, having to accept this about yourself; having a sometimes...It's acknowledging the most vulnerable and despicable side of yourself and being at peace with its existence, and how frequently it pays you a visit unannounced.

"Sometimes" can be a lot of things. "Sometimes" can vary.
"Sometimes" can change, evolve, increase, decrease... but it will always be there for as long as we live...

I have "Sometimes" quite a few, actually...

Sometimes, I am selfish
Sometimes, I am lazy
Sometimes, I am ungrateful
Sometimes, I am a liar
Sometimes, I am a bully
Sometimes, I am insensitive
Sometimes, I am a coward.

All of these make a cameo. They announce their presence at different times in my life. It's scary, sometimes, seeing them come out to play, seeing a new sometimes surface. A new face is shown, one you wouldn't wish others to see, but one that shows up anyway and you can't help but be patient and wait for it to do its thing and leave.

I always wonder if this is what life is really about. Are sometimes a brutal reminder of our mortality? Are they a reminder of the reality of us being imperfectly perfect?

What's your "Sometimes"

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