What are you doing here?

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I got up to answer the door to see my mama standing at the front door. I hadn't told her about how we got McKenna back because we got busy with her, my job, and all the interviews, so I know she was gonna be mad, no not mad pissed!


Thomas Luther Bryan, what is going on here?

"Well mama don't be pissed but we got McKenna back and we forgot to tell you" he said anxious

Well than can i see here?


(he calls for McKenna )

Hello dear I'm your grandma I said to her looking at her face. She has the body of Caroline but the eyes and the way she walks and talks is all Luke's.

She was over joyed to finally meet her actual grandma and not a phony one. We hugged and stayed up talking about everything under the sky.


The party shortly ended after grandma got here. Her and I stayed up talking for hours about mom and dads wedding, dads childhood, and about me. she was very curious. I told grandma about my old life living in Atlanta, about my friend Kendall. Which reminds me, I should phone her, I guess I'll do that in the morning because its midnight. After I brushed my teeth and put my pajamas on and looked on my twitter feed of all the birthday wishes and a 2 new follower's, who could it be? I asked myself only the hottest guy Hunter Hayes and RaeLynn. Hunter left a message saying "Happy Birthday McKenna, your beautiful and we should hangout sometime." I thought to myself Hunter is only two years apart (A/N I know he's. 23 in real life but just pretend he's 17) My dad will still not let me date him though or hangout even if I tried and begged. With my thoughts rolling in my head I fall asleep, dreaming about what It would be like to date Hunter Hayes.

~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~


I woke up to we rode in trucks. It was dad,


D: good morning sweetie

M morning

D I'm out right now with mom but we will be back soon

M okay. where are you?

D soundcheck

M you have a concert tonight?

D yeah are you gonna come to it?

M yeah probably

D okay

M On the other hand..... I trailed off

D What is it McKenna? dad questioned further

M Well last night I was checking twitter when Hunter Hayes left a message saying I'm cute and how we should hang out one day.

D Ill think about it

M really? thanks sooo much! love you bey

D love you too McKenna

~~hangs up~~

I got out of bed and made some oatmeal. Thinking about how I could be hanging out with Hunter eventually. After breakfast, I hopped in to have a quick shower. after the shower I put on some track pants and a camouflage shirt and grabbed my phone and phoned Kendall

K Hello?

M hey it's Mickey

K omg hey

M I haven't talked to you in such a long time. I miss you.

K I know how has your life been?

M really good, they actually love me, unlike the other ones. Plus The Hunter Hayes asked if I wanted to hangout one day! I squealed.

K OMG thats amazing! She also squealed. Maybe next time your in atlanta we can hang out?

M yeah and maybe you can go to a concert?

K yeah that would be fun!!!

M okay i will talk to you soon and I will ask my mom and dad.

K okay bye

M bye

~~~~later on at the venue~~~~


Hey McKenna

hi, mom. Can I ask you something


Do you now when were gonna be in Atlanta next time?

I don't now why?

I was just wondering if Kendall can come to the next show I Atlanta but I guess I'll ask dad.

~~~~~After the show ~~~~~~


hey dad when is the next time were Atlanta? I asked hoping he wouldn't ask to many strange question, because you know him and he always does.

why? Is there a boy we don't know about there or here?

I wanted to know if Kendall can come to the show, I said answering the first part. And the second part I said no but maybe Hunter.

He just game me the death glare. Kendall can come, but the concert isn't for another 2 weeks.


I asked Luke about the whole Hunter Hayes senerio. He told me everything about it. I told him you should let her go hang out with him, you've met him and he's a good guy and that you should trust them to make the right decisions.


Caroline is right!

McKenna? I asked

Yes dad?

You can hangout with Hunter just be carful



Dad finally let me hangout with hunter I quickly texted him and told him that we can hangout next time I'm in Nashville which is in a couple months but oh well, its the life of a country singers daughter.

~~~~Next morning~~~~

I woke up so excited to tell Kendall the exciting news about the concert and Hunter. I dialed her number.

K. Hello?

M. hey its Mickey

K.Hey, did you ask Luke yet?

M. Thats actually why I phoned. He said that you can come to the next show, its in 3 weeks. And that I get to hangout with Hunter.

K. Okay cant wait text me when your in atlanta and we can hang out. And have fun.

M. got it. Bye


With that we hung up and I played the Xbox with carter, but I couldn't stop thinking about Hunter and how I have to wait a couple months to meet him and hangout.

A/N hey guys I hope y'all are enjoying. Again we would like to give all if y'all a big bear hug for over 1k reads thank you so much! Ob another note we have about 4 chapters written about the concert with Kendall, so you will have to wait about 4 chapter until hunters in it but dont worry he will be in it. Also there might not be an update next week because we are really busy next week.

Question: what do you think will happen between Hunter and McKenna??? comment your answer.

Love always, Mackenzie and Kassie😘

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