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3 weeks later in Atlanta Georgia (sorry for the time skip)

Kendall's pov ( she wont have a lot)

OMG, I can't wait to see Mickey(if you remember thats McKenna's nickname) last time I saw her was at the concert.....

Flashback to the concert

I'm so excited to go to the concert!! I said to Mickey as I was screaming in her face.

She told me that she had to get in line to meet luke. lucky Bitch! while she was doing that I walked around the arena and bought a T-shirt and a bracelet. Than went to our seats they were in the pit so we could see everything and by everything I mean everything.

We met up at our seats. She told me everything about meeting him and how Luke and Caroline were excited to see her, but she didnt know why and neither did I. We shrugged it off and put our attention on luke and the band. The concert was awesome, his dancing on point! Plus his singing was un describable.

End of flashback.

As I was ending my flashback, the bus pulled up and Mickey jumped out yelling KENDALL


As were crossing into Atlanta Georgia memories are flooding my brain, than we went past my old school and more memories came ......

Flashback to first day of grade 1

I was swinging on the swings at recess on my first day of grade 1. I just moved to this school so I didn't know to many kids. Thats when someone comes up and sits next to me.

Hi I'm Kendall, whats yours? she asked me all bubbly and smiling from ear to ear.

Hi I'm McKenna, I'm new here. I said as I stopped swinging to talk to Kendall.

Well nice to meet you, but can I call you Mickey, it will be easier for me to say. And dont worry about being new I'll show you around.

I like the sound of Mickey, and I probably will need help around.

Ever since than we have been best friends.

End of flashback

I Now have tears streaming down my face, when dad walks in.


McKenna were.......

I stop saying what I was about to say, because McKenna is sitting there crying about something. Knowing it probably has to do with her old life and memories. I tell her to come to the back with mom and I so we can talk in private without the band hearing. Not even Carter was aloud back there to listen. Yeah you might be confused now, but little did you know that McKenna and Carter have a brother sister relationship, it's cute.

As soon as we get to the back she pulls us into a big hug and cries. We let her calm down before talking and than she explains her life and memories about Atlanta Georgia. As she finishes we pull into Kendall's driveway and McKenna stopped crying realizing we are there. As she goes running to her old friend, we yell put a coat on, because its cold out and we dont want her to get sick, because once one is sick its a plague, and we cant afford to be sick for our fans.

As I look at the girl hug McKenna ,she just looks so happy. Kendall gas long brown hair, bright green eyes, tall and skinny but still has muscle. But I gotta say Kendall is trying to impress us, she had on a cabelas long sleeve sweater and a 32 bridge hat on. I said to caroline
Shes probably just as happy as McKenna is, she told me wile shes shaking her head at what I said. The two best friends walked on the bus and McKenna introduced us to her.

M Mom, Dad this is Kendall. She says smiling.

K Its so nice to meet you ms and mr Bryan

C Darling you can call caroline and luke for now on. okay?

K okay

They both sat down and talked about each others life's. McKenna also got her situated in her bed and introduced them to the band and goofed around with the band.

Carter (Lucky you)

I noticed McKenna was crying earlier today, but I didn't want to ask her. I hate seeing her upset especially knowing what shes been through. Me and her have a special relationship, were like brother and sister with a big age gap. But NO matter what I'm there for her. She introduced me to her friend Kendall and we goofed around for the rest of the day. I'll just ask her later about it.

~~~~Later that night~~~~~


Hey McKenna can I talk to you alone? I ask her

Yeah sure

Are you okay? I ask a bit uneasy

Yeah why? she questions raising her one eyebrow

Well you were just crying and I hate seeing my little sis sad.

She giggled at me

Why you laughing?

You said little sis and I've never been called that before

Well now you have. So are you okay?

Yea, than she tells me about the memories.

Ohh okay, well I'm always here to talk little sis.

Okay big bro. she hugs me and I kiss her on the forehead and she climbs into her bunk.


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Love y'all Mackenzie and Kassie

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