Will you??

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Its been 5 months, the police have caught my parents and their sentenced to life in prison with no parol and at least two guards at their cell 24/7.


Today I plan on proposing to McKenna. I'm gonna take her to a nice fancy restaurant and than we will walk around downtown Nashville, get on a horse and buggy which will take us to the bridge where I have a surprise that has two parts to it, but you will have to wait and see.


Tonight I'm going on a date with Hunter, he's picking me up at 5:30. So I have about an hour and a half, time to get in the shower. After my shower I curl my hair and pin it to the side! I slip into my white lace dress with a ring hunter gave me.


I get out of the shower and put on a black button up with black pants and a white tie.

30 minutes later

I pull in to Their driveway, it now or never.

I ring the door bell and McKenna answers it. "you look very cute" I say kind of awkwardly. "thanks you don't look half bad yourself " she giggles, which makes me blush.

Off to the restaurant

After dinner we got on the horse and buggy that took us downtown to the bridge where there was a little photo booth .

Hunter look photo booth. Can we do it please? McKenna asks.


We get in and take five photos
First photo was us smiling being normal. The second one was us hugging. The third one was me kneeling down and proposing. The forth was her accepting by giving me a kiss and the fifth and last one was her showing her ring to the camera. we grab the pictures and get out. I stop McKenna from walking.

"McKenna LeClaire Bryan since we were in the photo booth I could really ask you or tell you anything so here I go. I Love you with all my heart and I want to wake up to you snuggled up to me, I want to have kids with you, keep you safe and so much more because I love you. So will you marry me?

Yes and with that I push her against the photo booth and kiss her with so much passion. I am so excited to be marrying the girl that I love.

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