Chapter 19

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As I slowly started waking up, I noticed it was difficult to move. My eyes adjust to the harsh lighting. I look down to see an arm draped over my waist. My heart picks up in spead, I look over my shoulder to see Jake's sleeping face inches away from mine. 

My eyes widen at the proximity. I slowly move Jake's arm of mine as I scoot back. He stirs, and I freeze.  He stops moving and I slowly get up from my spot on the floor. I look at the clock; it read 7:00. See that I was the only one up I walk into the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. I grab my phone of the dining room table and turn it on. 

There were several notifactions from various apps, but the only thing that really caught my eye was a text from Ryan. 

Ryan: Hey, baby! I have really good news. Text me when you get this. 

I smile, unlocking my phone; going to my messages. 

Me: Hey! What's your news?! 

Since it was at night where he was I figured it would take a little bit for him to respond. 

I hear footsteps causing me to look up. Rachel with her hair in tangles, slowly dragging her feet toward me on the couch. She flops down next to me, curling up against my side.

Similar to what cat would do. 

"You're up early." I look down at her pawing my side.

"Yeah Evan was crushing me so the lack of oxygen kind of made me wake up." Rachel said with the straightest face ever.

I couldn't stop laughing. How can one, saying that sentence say it with such a straight face.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I twiddle my phone in my hands.

Rachel sits up, facing me. "Yes of course you can, what is it?"

"Recently it's been harder to only have my eyes completely set on Ryan when Jake is around. He brings these feelings up inside me that I shouldn't be having towards anyone but Ryan." I run my fingers through my hair, sighing.

"Okay, in all honesty, I think the feelings for Jake is just you lacking the physical sensation of Ryan. Jake is just there saying all the right things. But Mary, I see your face when you talk about Ryan. Your face lights up like a christmas tree. You get this look in your eyes that I can't describe. What you have with Ryan is something you don't want to loose. So try focusing on him and not Jake." Rachel places her hand on my shoulder smiling, waiting for me to process what she just said to me.

She's right, now that I really think about all the things with Jake it wasn't my heart but my hormones just drawing me to him. I love Ryan with so much passion it's crazy. He's what I always think about.

A ding pulls me out of my deep thought. I look down to my phone, and I feel Rachel's eyes over my shoulder.

It was a text message.

Ryan: So, my parent's agreed for me to do a study in the states and I recommended Seattle. Baby, I'm coming to see you in a month for the 2nd quarter. I'm so excited! Video chat me babe.

I screamed. I literally screamed. My body filled with so much joy that I felt chill go down my body. How can this even be real? How is this possible? Ryan is coming here?! HOLY CRAP! I need to breathe.

"Mary! Breathe!" Rachel shakes my shoulders trying to calm me down.

"Ryan is coming here, Rachel! Oh my god, I can't stop smiling see," I try to make a straight face but I failed miserably, "He's coming here. I get to see him in real life. I get to touch him, kiss him, hell just seeing him in the flesh is going to take my breath away." I look up the ceiling and smile so wide my cheeks started to hurt.

I took a deep breath.

"Rachel my Ryan is coming. He's going to be with me."


Hey guys this was more of a filler, next chapter is going to be a lot longer I promise. And I apologize that I haven't been writing, it was because I was so busy with school. But it's summer now and I'm determined to finish this first book this summer. So stay tuned.


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