Chapter 8

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I woke up with a heavy weight crushing me down into the place I lay upon. I groan, trying to push off the object off because it was getting quite hard to breathe. I squirm trying to be free, but nothing seems to be working. I feel the person's body heat radiate onto me, it was getting really hot under here.

The person's breath fanned my face making me cringe. That's it I can't take it anymore this is killing me, probably litterally. I free my hand bringing it up and smacking the persons head as hard as I could.

"Hey!" The person fell onto the floor.

I look over the side of the couch, and see Slaide clutching the side of his head. I chuckle slightly. Ah it's nice to breathe again.

"You, my dear brother needs to loose a few pounds I was dying!" I reach down and smack him on his arm.

"Excuse me but muscle weighs more than fat so hah!" Slaide sticks his togue out at me. I roll my eyes.

I hear a mumble beside me. I look over to see Evan and Rachel. Evan had his arms around Rachel's back pulling her into him, while she's snuggled into his neck clutching his tshirt.

I practically melt. I grab my phone and snap a few photos, planning on posting it later on. I lean over shaking both of them. "Wake up lovebirds." I coo.

Evan opens his eyes and looks down at Rachel. He smiles brightly, kissing her on her forehead making her open her eyes and look up at his kissing him on the nose. They have to be the cutest thing ever.

"Ok guys no matter how cute this is, I'm hungry." I clap my hands making their attention focus on me. They pull apart, sitting up. And by that I mean Evan sitting criss cross and Rachel sitting on his lap.

"Eck. This is too much lovey dovey stuff for one morning." I hear Slaide groan.

I laugh. "You know you want some love. Come here baby boy." I coo sliding on the floor hugging his waist pressing my head to his chest squeezing as hard as I can.

"Get your lazy ass off me woman." He squirms underneath me.

"No I think I'm comfy." I look up at him sticking my tongue out at him.

"TONGUE!" Rachel squealed. I laugh as I rolled my eyes. She has a bit of a fetish for tongues even though she tries to deny it

"Ugh, little sis I swear you are one of the strongest girls I know." He groans as he tries to pry my hands off his back.

"That, man. But she is pretty weak so you're probably really wimpy." Evan teased.

Slaide gives him a flat look, and then looks back down to me. "Seriously though, Mary can you get off me."

"Yeah fine, fine." I stand up, moving away from him.

I look at the time. "Sh*t! It's 8:00! We're late for school!" I yell running upstaurs, dragging Rachel with me.

I swing my door open and pulling Rachel inside along with me, closing the door behind us.

"Just find something in my closet and put it on, and hurry!" I tell her as I rush into my closet.

I pull on some grey washed out skinny jeans and a black sweater, I a red plaid bandana and push my hair back with it. I put on some mascara and put some concealer under my eyes. I turn around to see Rachel dressed in my black leggings and paramore sweater with my combat boots, her hair in a messy bun. I pull on my yellow Doc Martens and grab my backpack.

"Come on Rachel lets go!" I yell throwing open my door running down the stairs.

"C'mon Evan hurry your butt up!" Rachel yells at her boyfriend who was laying on the couch in my brother's sweatpants and red hoodie.

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