Chapter 2

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"Awe oh my god you have the cutest relationship ever May!" Rachel gushed.

I blushed laughing. "I love him. I'm lucky to have him."

I just finished telling her all about Ryan and I's relationship.

I lay back on the bed smiling to myself. I really do love him.

"Now. That Jake guy?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't get me wrong he's really hot but I love Ryan. He's amazing. Plus Jake is an old friend. I haven't seen him in forever."

Rachel sits in front of my and squishes my cheeks together.

"Now listen, young grasshopper. You better be committed to Ryan cause I don't want a slut as a best friend."

I laugh. Which was kinda hard cause she still had my cheeks squished.

"Trust me. You have nothing to worry about." I pull away from her getting up from the bed and head to my closet.

I change out of my school clothes and change into grey sweatpants and a black shirt. I put my hair in a high pony tail.

"PJ POWER!!" I yell pouncing on Rachel who was on her phone.

She groans and tries to wiggle out from under me.

"Jesus, get off me woman you're heavy!" I laugh rolling off her.

"Ok so movies. Insidious or Chuckie?" Personally I love horror movies. They're so ridiculous that they are awesome.

"INSIDIOUS!" Rachel does a little happy dance as she changes into her pjs. Which consisted of fuzzy batman bottoms and a black tank top.

I pop the movie in and lay on my stomach on my bed with my feet crossed in the air.

Rachel joins me laying in a similar fashion.

Half way through the movie there's a nock at my window.

Which startles both of us.

I shakily walk over my to window.

I sigh. "Rachel it's just Evan!" Evan is Rachel's boyfriend. And the third member of our little friend group.

I open the window letting him in. Or shall I say fall face first on my floor.

Both me and Rach are rolling on the floor laughing at a red faced Evan.

Even like that he's hot. See I don't have any feelings towards him. He's like a brother to me but may I say he's sexy. He has dirty blonde hair that covers his ears and falls over his eyes. Blueish grey eyes and is lean.

"Aweee babe don't be embarrassed." Rachel cooed giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He smirked getting up and sitting on my bed.

I jump on his lap clinging on to him like a koala bear.

"Get off me Mary!" Messing up my hair in the process of squirming underneath me.

I laugh. "It's my bed. You just magically appeared beneath me. Your fault."

I hear Rachel laugh in the background.

"Help me baby I'm being squished!!" Evan cries.

"Nah this is amusing."

----10 minutes later-----

"You ready to get off me now?" Evan sighs.

"Fine...." I pout.

"Can we finish watching the movie? I was enjoying it until my lug of a boyfriend interrupted." Rachel teased sticking her tongue out at Evan.

He rolls is eyes as I press play snuggling in between them.

"No PDA I don't want to die of trauma." I joke.

By the end of them movie Rachel was asleep on me and I was pushed against Evan who was practically asleep himself.

I shut the TV of and decide to get some sleep.


"Mary I never loved you. I was just using you to see if I could get nudes." Ryan glared at me smirking.

I felt my heart break in two.

"You don't mean that. Please don't mean that." I say, crying now.

This can't be happening.

Ryan smirked. "Oh I mean it. Who could ever love you."

That's it I'm done for that hurt way to much.

I curl into a ball crying my heart out.

-----end of dream----

"MARY WAKE THE EF UP!" I feel someone shake me.

I open my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light.

Evan stands over me looking at me with worry.

"What's wrong you were muttering no like a million times and crying."

I sit up running my hands over my face trying to wake myself up.

"Sorry. Just a bad dream." I brush off the conversation and stand up stretching my limbs from sleep.

Evan raises an eyebrow but doesn't respond.

"Where's Rachel?"

"Taking a shower." I nod.

"Well you should go. Both me and her need to get ready. And I don't think I want you seeing me naked so. Shoo." I push him towards my window.

He sticks his tongue out at me but jumps out my window.

I sigh turning around just as Rachel walks into the room toweling off her hair, fully dressed.

She wore a black Paramore crop top and ripped red skinny jeans with black vans.

Stylish as ever.

I walk over to my closet as she sits on my bed.

I pull off my pjs throwing them into the hamper.

I pull on my Kellin Quinn tank top, my black high waisted shorts with sheer tights underneath and my black studded combat boots.

I run a brush through my hair putting it into a braid over my left shoulder. Doing my cat eye eyeliner and calling it a day.

Being a girl sucks sometimes. We have to put so much work into looking ok.

"Ok so what do you want to do today?" I plop down nk my bed next to Rachel.

She squishes her cheeks together which is her thinking face. Weird I know but I love her.



End of chapter 2

Thanks you guys for reading another chapter of Forever and Always.

It means a lot. To know that you guys like reading it. I'm sorry it took a while to update it took me a while to think on what to write. Please stick around for the next chapter. Love you all my little minions.


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