Chapter 20

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It's been a three weeks since Stan's party and the weather keeps on getting colder, it's the beginning of December and frost is forming everywhere. Our band has progressed, we now have a few songs we're perfecting. Also all of us are stressing over exams that are this week. In particular I'm dreading my math exam, it's never been my strong suit. Jake has kept his distance as well, we still talk and we're still friends but he's not flirting with me anymore.

But exams, nor hormonal teenage boys can dampen the fact that Ryan is coming here in no more than two weeks or so. We've been video chatting everyday since, and his parents arranged for him to stay with some family friends up here while he's here. If he likes it here they're willing to let him stay. But when I ask him why they're so open to him being here Seattle he always changes the subject.

But at the moment it's a Sunday and I'm dreading school tomorrow. So I'm currently sprawled out on my bed on my laptop indulged in this new tv show I found on Netflix. To say I'm hooked is an understatement I'm literally chained to my computer screen unless Ryan or Rachel texts me. That or to pee, or get food but usually I make Slaid get my food. And he obliges because he's an amazing brother. He's decided to stay in town and take classes online to be with me. Considering the fact that our parents are always away.

It's kind of normal now though, sadly though, but it is. I don't need them anyway at this point, they taught me to be independent and that's what I am.

The rest of my day was what it was in the morning, uneventful and grey.

The week went by agonizingly slow but I got through it. But today was Friday, and I promised that I would go with Rachel to visit Caleb in the hospital. We've been dragging out seeing him, but it wasn't right that we didn't go see him yet. Plus the doctors don't believe he'll last into the new year. Walking into the hospital was the hardest. I grabbed Rachel's hand squeezing it before opening the door. The receptionist at the front gave us his room number and the next thing I knew we were turning the nob of his door.

There he was, Caleb. He was just lying there, pale, his head shaved, almost dead looking. He lost all of his weight, making him look like a skeleton. Just looking at him made my heart ache.

Rachel walks up to the side of his bed and pulls up a chair to sit beside it. She takes his hand so gingerly in hers. "Oh, Caleb." I hear her whisper under her breath.

Her shoulders start to shake but no noise was heard. I learned that when she was like this to let her calm down by herself and not intrude.

Caleb's eyes slowly opened scanning the room, first landing on me and then to Rachel, and his lips twitched into a smile. "Hey baby cuz." His voice came out in a hoarse scratch, instead of the humor it used to.

From what I can see I thought I saw Rachel smile. But even though I was close with Caleb as well I think I should let them be.

I walk out into the hallway and sit in the chair outside the door. I turn on my phone, scrolling through my Instagram feed when Slaide texted me.

Slaide: Hey sis, Evan swung by the house looking for you guys, apparently an emergency band meeting.

Me: Thanks, I'll text him now. Rachel and I are still at the hospital I'll text you when we leave.

I leave my messages to Slaide and I pull up my conversations to Evan and send him a message.

Me: Hey, we're at the hospital visiting Caleb, we'll be there soon.

I turn on my music waiting for Rachel to come out of the room.

I must have drifted off because next thing I remember is Rachel shaking my shoulders, waking me up.

I groan. "Hey, you ready to go?"

She smiles and looks back at the room's door. "Yeah, I'm good."

We were on our way back in Rachel's car when Evan popped in my head. "Oh, Evan said something about an emergency band meeting, let me check if he texted back."

I go to my messages and he did text me back along with Ryan and my brother.

I click on Evan's name first since that's why I went on my phone in the first place.

Evan: Hey, sorry I forgot she was visiting him today, don't rush back. Text me when you're heading back.

Me: We're on our way back, are we meeting you some place.

He told me to head to this coffee shop that we found last week that we all loved. I let my brother know where I was going and that I'd go home straight after.

Ryan was just saying hi to me and I was quickly responding to him when we were walking through the doors of the coffee place.

We found Evan, Jake, and Seb in a table in the back corner of the place. I pull up a seat between Rachel and Sebastian.

"So, what's this meeting for?" I ask.

All of the sudden Evan got really giddy. "I was talking to Mr. Stephens and he told me he found us a gig." Evan was smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, where is it?" Jake looks at him anxiously.

"See, that's the thing its at the snowflake ball next Saturday."

"So we're playing a school dance?" Sebastian asks the obvious.

I roll my eyes laughing softly. "I guess so, but don't you think that's the kind of image we want, the tiny coffee shop playing band that can only get a school dance."

"Yeah, but every band needs to start somewhere, don't they?" Rachel adds, looking at me.

I nod sighing.

"Okay, so now we need to start planning our set, we have only have a few days to do this."

We were at the coffee shop until around eight o'clock at night just throwing ideas down. By the time we left we had our set list, and we planned a rehearsal Sunday afternoon.

I was back home on my laptop when I got a video call from Ryan. A smile broke onto my face. I missed his voice.

I eagerly pressed accept, waiting for the screen to load so I could see his beautiful face.

"Hey baby." Ryan's face popped up on the screen with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, why'd you call me?" In reality I really didn't care why he called.

"I wanted to call you before I headed to the airport. I'm so excited to finally see you in person."

I bit my lip trying not to squeal, I failed horribly. I was bouncing up and down uncontrollably.

Ryan laughs, making little crinkles by his eyes that I absolutely adore. "You're so cute, Mary."

I flip my hair over my shoulder, "Psh, I know."

A smile never leaves his face when he's looking at me and it makes my insides melt, like they usually do. I can't wait to see him in person, it's like my insides are in a non-stop dance at thought of seeing him in the flesh.

"Sorry, but if I don't hang up now I'm going to miss my flight. I'll see you tomorrow, Mary. I love you." Ryan blows a kiss to his screen.

"I love you too, see you soon." I blow a kiss back, and hang up the call.

I lay down on my bed as thoughts of Sam and new beginnings engulf me as I'm pulled into a deep slumber.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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