Chapter 16

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You have to be kidding me.
Jake srands there with drum sticks in his hand, his smile wide. "So...can I play?" Jake gestures to the drumset in the corner.
"Uh...yeah. Go ahead." My eyes follow him as he sits behind the drums. C'mon, why, why does he have to audition? He's a great guy, obviously but we literally kissed yesterday. I just.
WHY? Why me. Just why?
He starts making a sick beat. I really don't know how to describe the beat he made, It sounds amazing but it just looks like you're slaming sticks on a drum. So yeah.
When he was done he looked at us smiling, obiviously pleased with his work. Jake looked over at me with a huge smirk on his face.
RYAN, Mary. Ryan. Jesus why did Jake have to be hot. Even in sweatpants his....ANYWAY!
"Mary, you good?" Evan waves a hand in front of my face.
"Oh. Oh yeah sorry. So Jake is our drummer in guessing. And that guy...what was his name?" I look at both of my friends.
"Sebastian?" Rachel looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah him. Our bassist." Okay. I'm going to go upstairs. I need to lay down. Seeing Ryan through me off." I stand up gripping the sides of the table.
Evan and Rachel get up walking on either side of me. "Okay I'll give them the news I'll meet you up there." Rachel pats my shoulder and her and Evan leave the room.
I walk behind them and pass through the kitchen to avoid Jake. I'll see him Monday. Or what ever. I can't deal with him right now. I have a boyfriend in Australia that I love. Yet I can't stop thinking about Jake.
Jesus Mary! What is wrong with you?!
I walk into my room and throw myself on my bed curling up into a ball clutching a pillow into my chest.

A soft knock comes from the other side of my door.

"Not right now guys." I push my face into my pillow even deeper.

I probably seem like such a drama queen. But when you have a boyfriend in Australia you don't even know in person, a guy you haven't seen in years back in your life come back and now you don't know if you have feelings for him. Oh and to add on to that. I don't even know where my parents are or when they'll be back.

"Hey, sis. You okay?" Slaide walks into my room sitting beside me.

I mumble incoherently into my pillow, lifting my head to look at him slightly.

He chuckles. "Come here." Slaide opens his arms and I sit up snuggling into his side resting my head on his shoulder, my legs on his lap.

"What's wrong, May?" Slaide asks, rubbing circles into my back.

"I guess seeing Jake audition for my band just made everything crash down on me at once. Which makes no sense and I don't even know how to explain it. I just know that I can't think straight and I feel like crying." I ramble, my words spilling over my tongue.

"Explain what came crashing down. Does it have something to do with mom and dad?"

"It's part of it. But there's something else. I need to tell you something that is major. You're going to think I'm idiotic and immature. But just listen okay?" I bite my lip. I can feel my heart speeding up. I need to tell him about Ryan.

"Of course. But you're scaring me." Slaide says sounding unsure.

"So, it started a few months ago," I went on to explain Ryan and I's story for beginning to now. To what's happening with Jake, how I don't know what to do or how to talk to Ryan about it. Or to even talk to Ryan about. How much I love Ryan but he lives in Australia and how I physically and emotionally miss him all the time. And lastly how I know that I don't know if he's telling me the truth with everything. But I love him too much to care.

I look up to see Slaide staring at my door in front of him, blinking rapidly.

"Slaide?" I shake his shoulder slightly.

"Oh, um, well Mary I'm your brother and my job is to protect you from harm and beat up the boyfriends,"

I chuckle

"But all I want is your happiness so I don't mind your relationship with Ryan. But the whole Jake thing, if you really love Ryan. You need to force yourself to only see Jake as your friend and nothing more. This may be easier said then done. But it will so hard on you if you don't. Or you break up with Ryan and date Jake. It's your choice." Slaide rants moving his right hand to make more of a point.

I slowly smile, spreading into a full on grin.

I shift so I'm facing my brother. "And you said you can't be serious." I poke his dimple.

Slaide laughs his whole body shaking as he does so. "Oh shut up will you." Slaide sticks his tongue out at me.

His arms wrap around me crushing me into his chest. I laugh squeezing my arms around him as well.

Even when I'm down I know I can count on my brother to come to the rescue.

He's my superman.



Hey guys. Sorry for such a long time for updating. School has been stressful, and plus I just didn't have the time.

The photo at the top is Jake.

See you next chapter.


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