Chapter 18

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You could hear the bass of the music from two streets down. I'm surprised no one has contacted the police.

We all tried to squeeze in Rachel's car which ended in me being squished between two teenage boys in the back seat of the car. I was so regretting this skirt right now.

Rachel and Evan were arguing the whole way over a radio station, apparently Evan refuses to listen to Kpop and Rachel hates, and I quote 'the bubble gum piece of trash' he listens to.

But it's okay. They ended up kissing on the way out of the car. Making it slight bit more awkward.

I was about to open the door but it swung open and two very little covered girls come stumbling out nearly falling on top of me, clearly smashed.

"Whoops sorry." The girl giggles blowing her booze smelling breathe all over my face, nearly melting it off.

I peel her off me and pass her to Jake, she can be his issue I can't handle a drunk girl. I walk into the house and it was complete and utter chaos. Everyone was in the middle of the living room dancing on each other. I walk deeper into the house, but when I look behind me no one was there. Well then guys leave me then. 

I see Stan walking over to me with a red solo cup hung loosly in his hand. His eyes were slightly tinged with red, he must of had more than just that cup. 

"Hey Mary! You look soo.....blurry."  Stan slurs as he draps his arm over my shoulders. 

I laugh, this drunk Stan is a funny Stan. I lead him over to the closest piece of furniture, which happens to be a couch and as I was setting him down he pulled me down with him. I fall so my face is in his neck and my arms are crushed behind him. I try to move but he doesn't budge. 

"You're my prisoner, moohahaha. You will never escape my grasp you filthy pinapple!" He screams wiggling in his seat. 

Which gave me enough room to slip out from under him. Thank god too because it was getting sweaty back there. And now I can basically smell the alcohol lingering on me from Stan. I make my way through the thick crowd on the dance floor to the kitchen, where there was the few drunk teens swaying with cups in their hands. I make my way over to the fridge with to my disapointment was only filled with beer. 

"Not a drinker I'm guessing." I turn around to see Jake staring at me, amused. 

"No, my family is filled with raging alcholics, so I don't touch it." I lean against the counter, crossing my arms in front of my chest, suddenly feeling oddly exposed. 

"Makes sense. Oh and I'm sorry for earlier. My emotions are all over the place, and lately I've been feeling as hormonal as a girl on her period." He took one look on my face by that last comment and got all flustered. 

"I, I mean..not that girls are as bad as I am. Or that they're hormonal at all, and I didn't mean to be rude, I was just trying to make a comment, and I didn't want to offend you at all. I'm so, so.." 

I press my hand over his mouth and laugh. "Shhh, stop rambling. I forgive you. Now if I remove my hand will you stop explaning yourself?" I look him in the eyes as his pupils dilate. 

A muffled yes is heard from behind my hand and I laugh a little. I remove my hand to reveal a huge smile on Jake's face. 

I look around. "What?" 

"Nothing, now lets go shake our tail feather out of that crowded floor." Jake drags me to the living room where the speakers were blasting the often played song Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars. 

Before I was able to please my urge in rolling my eyes, Jake was doing the cabbage patch and the running man at the same time and I couldn't help but laugh and dance along with him. He twirled me around in circles, making me really dizziy, causing me to trip and fall into a couple kissing. I turn around to see that couple was Rachel and Evan. I try not to laugh as I walk back over to Jake. 

"Wasn't that convienent, bumping into them." Jake yells over the music. I was just able to hear him. 

The song switches and it's a slow song. I look back at Jake to see him nudge his head over to the couch in the corner. I nodd and we head to sit over there. I'm happy that he didn't have me dance with him, he's not pushing it and I'm glad. He's an amazing guy and I don't want to loose him as a friend. 

We were able to talk at a normal level because of the music change, and we chatted about everyting and nothing, from school to the kind of toothpaste we use. Sebastian joined us half way through our toothpaste talk, and had a very strong oppinion about the brand Crest. I couldn't stop laughing with these two. 

At the end of the night I was happy we went. I ended up driving because the rest of the group had a little bit too much to drink and I was the only one truly sober. I drove back to Rachel's where we all passed out on the floor watching a scary movie. Rachel and Evan were in their own little ball of blankets and the boys were sprawled out next to me but I hogged the blanket. Rachel's room got rigid at night because of the air conditioning vent was in her room. 

The events of the night replayed over and over in my head until I finally fell asleep, into my own little ball of happiness. 

But as soon as I was slipping into slumber I felt an arm wrap around my waist. 


Hey guys!! 

I apoligize for not updating in the past three months. Life caught up with me but I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, see you next one. 


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