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Driving down the old abandoned road, I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't help by be excited about being home.

I had been living a couple hours away from my small home town, living my dream of going to medical school. I wanted to be an oncologist ever since my mother was diagnosed with stage 3A lung cancer.

Pulling into the driveway I rushed out of the car and to the front door.

"Dad?" I said slowly opening the door to the small two bedroom house.

"Oh, my baby" he said coming around the corner with a smile on his face. Tears instantly sprung to my eyes as I was pulling into his grasp. "God, I missed you" I breathed, my anxiety lifting off my chest.

My dad was my person, my all time best friend. You know that relationship you see between a mother and daughter, theres nothing quite like it. My relationship with my dad was just like that.

"Want to go to bar and have dinner before you start getting settled in?" He asked and I smiled and nodded, one of the only places to eat in the small town.

Our little town consisted of a bar, a small grocery store and a gas station. We live about twenty minutes from it but down south long drives don't bother us.

Stepped outside I glanced across the street to the Dixon house. One singular truck in the driveway. "How are the dixons?" I asked opening the passenger door to my dads truck and hopping in.

"Same as always, Merle's always at the bar, Will is still the town drunk and Daryl's doing well, you know he still comes and checks on me?" He said pulling out of the driveway.

One of the last conversations I had with daryl, I was 18 getting ready to go to college and he was 25 still living with his old man. I made him promise me he would always check up on my dad. It seems he never broke that promise.

"Really?" I lightly smiled, I had always had the biggest crush on Daryl, only I was way to young for him so that crush was brutally stabbed in the chest.

"Yeah, he always asks how your doin too."

We stayed silent for the rest of the drive into town. Pulling outside the bar a wave of daja vu hit me. My dad and I used to come here every Friday after his shift.

Stepped inside the loud voice of none other than Merle Dixon could be heard, his disgustingly annoying raspy voice from all of his years of smoking.

My dad took a seat at our normal booth as I walked up to the bar to grab us both a drink. "Madison?" The same annoying voice I heard when I walked in. "Merle" I said nodding my way towards him.

"My baby brother know yer back in town?" He asked tipping his glass back and finishing the drink. I shook my head no and looked down at my hands, not wanting to make eye contact with the man.

"He wouldn't care anyways" I said grabbing the jack and cokes the bartender handed me and rushed back to the table.

"What'd Merle say?" My dad asked taking a sip of his drink and looked through the menu, glancing up at me every so often.

"Just asked if Daryl knew I was back, I which he don't, I don't know if he would even want to see me" I shrugged.

My dad frowned and nodded, he knew how much Daryl meant to me before I moved away. Although we had a large age gap, he would always come over to help my dad on his truck and I always sat in the garage with the two.

It would be weird to consider him 'like my brother' because I was so utterly in love with that man. I still am to this day.

We fought, bad before I left. Mainly him pushing me away like he always did. I never used to let him, but considering I was leaving, I figured it was for the best.

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