Chapter Seventeen

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The next morning I woke up to Daryl still fast asleep. I grabbed my jeans out of Daryl's bag and pulled them on.

"Mm, what are ya doin?" Daryl asked rolling over, he was facing me but still had his eyes closed.

"I'm gonna go to the cafeteria." I simply said zipping my pants and doing the belt. "Do you mind if I wear this?" I asked motioning towards his shirt, "course not, wait for me, I'll go with ya" he said and I nodded.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, his eyes were still tired but he seemed to be waking up. He's usually grumpy in the morning so I'm happy he seemed to be in an okay mood.

"Mhmm" I said tucking the front of Daryl's shirt into my jeans so it doesn't hang. "Hey" he said getting my attention and I looked up at him. "Ya sure?" He asked and I nodded. "Just please don't make a scene." I said.

"How's the bruising?" He asked, I lifted the side of the shirt, and slightly pulling the jeans down, wincing a little when my hand brushed over the bruising skin.

"God I wanna put an arrow right between his eyes" Daryl growled out and I shook my head, kind of shocked at his protectiveness.

"Just drop it, it's fine" I whispered, "I can tell it's not fine, I can't promise that I won't punch the prick in the face if I get the chance" he said and I just shrugged. I wouldn't be mad.

When we walked into the cafeteria it was only Carl, Lori and T-dog awake.

"I made eggs, y'all hungry?" T-dog asked and I nodded. "Sit" Daryl said walking off and I took a seat across from Carl.

Seconds later Daryl placed a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs in front of me. "Thank you" I said instantly digging into the eggs.

"Morning" Rick said coming into the cafeteria, smiling at his wife and kids. "Are you hungover? Mom said you'd be." Carl asked and I snorted, my eggs damn near coming out of my nose.

"Mom, is right" Rick stammered sitting down but sending a small smile out way. Glenn came trudging into the room, pale as a ghost eyeing daryl and I with a slight glare. Probably because at some point in the night we had, had a drinking contest and he of course one.

"Protein helps the hangover" T laughed putting more eggs on Glenn's plate as he groaned.

"Don't ever ever ever let me drink again" Glenn groaned.

"Hey" Shane said coming into the room. I instantly looked away, keeping my eyes on my plate.

"Feel as bad as I do?" Rick asked, trying to make a joke with his best friend, "worse." He stated .

I looked up at daryl who already had his eyes on me. He looked as tho he was ready to pounce on Shane.

"What the hell happened to you?" T-Dog said causing me to turn and look. "You neck?" T questioned again and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Must have done it in my sleep" he said sitting next to me at the table. He gave Lori a look.

"Never seen you do that before?" Rick questioned and I watched as Lori awkwardly shifted.

Shane must have done the same thing to lori last night. I did not touch his neck and beside, I don't have nails I bit mine all off.

"Morning" Jenner said coming in and grabbing himself a cup of coffee. I stood from the table, throwing my plate away and grabbing another cup of coffee. Instead of sitting back down I went and stood by Daryl where we had been sitting last night.

"Doc, I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing." Dale started to say.

"But you will anyway?"

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