Chapter Fourteen

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The hose in the RV was shot, we couldn't go any further without fixing it completely and Shane was taking T-dog up to a gas station a ways away.

"Y'all, Jim- it's bad" Jacquie said coming out of the RV and looking at me with concern. "I don't think he can take anymore"

I followed her up and into the RV while the others talked about what their plan was. When I walked into the back he was pale, swearing and looked exhausted.

"Hey Jim" I lighted smiled, being joined by Rick.

"We'll be back in the road soon." Rick assured. Jim shook his head, "oh no. Christ. My bone are like glass, every little bump... god this ride is killing me. Leave me here." He breathed and I looked up at Rick.

"I'm done. Just leave me. I want to be with my family." He strained to say, looking out the window. Rick looked like he was in shock, but this is something I dealt with on the daily. It doesn't make it any better.

"They're all dead. I don't think you know what you're asking. The fever, you've been delirious more often than not." Rick pleaded, trying to save his own conscience.

"I know. Don't you think I know?" He stated trying to get up but grunting in pain. "I'm clear now. I 5 minutes I may not be. Rick, I know what I'm asking. I want this" he said nodding towards us both. "Leave me here."

I placed my hand in ricks shoulder, causing him to look up at me and I nodded. Tears coming to my eyes, "Rick I know what you're trying to do. This is his decision" I said backing Jim up. There was absolutely nothing I could do or any of us could do to make this easier on him.

Rick and I made our way out of the RV, gathered around by everyone else. Almost like they were waiting for us.

"Jim wants to be left here" Rick said to everyone, their face's twisting with a bunch of different emotions. "It's what he said he wants."

"And he's lucid?" Carol asked looking over at me and Rick did the same.

"He is, you guys can't even begin to imagine how much pain he is in. His bones are basically made of glass. Every bump, every turn every, every time his muscles contact, it feels as tho his bones are breaking" I explained and they frowned.

"Back in the camp when I said Dario might be right and you shut me down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was just gonna suggest we asked him, what he wants." Dale explained, "I think we have our answer."

"We just leave him here? We take off? Man I'm not sure I could live with that." Shane butted in.

"It's not your call. Either one of you. The actual Doctor here agrees with him. She knows medicine best and I think we should trust her" Lori stated and I nodded. "Lori is right. This is what Jim wants." I said.

Shane and Rick helped Jim out of the RV, he couldn't even walk. We followed closely as they leaned him against the tree. Shane knelt next to him as he looked into the sky.

"Hey, another damn tree." Jim chuckled, causing us to smile at him. I stood near the back, hoping to be one of the last ones to talk with him.

My eyes stung as I watched everyone say their goodbyes. Death will never get easier, I may not have known this man long but it was still just as hard.

Everyone had went their ways but daryl who still stood a ways away. I knelt down to Jims height and held my hand out which he took.

"You don't have to fight anymore" I whispered and he nodded, "thank you, for doing what you could" he choked out, a few tears slipped from my eyes.

"Don't give up on him" Jim said looking at daryl and I did the same. "I never could, even if I wanted to" I lightly smiled.

I backed my way away from Jim and made our way to Daryl's truck. I wanted to asked Shane if I could ride with him so I wouldn't have to deal with Daryl's attitude especially now. I decided against it since I wouldn't feel comfortable letting my feelings out in front of him.

I got into the passenger seat of the truck, pulling my boots off and bringing my knees to my chest. I allowed a few of my tears fall as Daryl got in the truck and we started to drive away.

It was silent between us for a while. My head was resting against my knees as I looked out the window. I couldn't stop thinking about what Jim had told me.

"Don't give up on him"

It turned my head to look at daryl my head still resting on my knees. A light smile came across my face. I would never be able to just rid this man out of my life.

He glanced over at me then back to the road. I closed my eyes for a second before re-opening them and keeping my eyes focused on him.

"M'sorry" he said looking over at me. "For?" I asked not moving just looking at him. "The first part of the ride"

I shook my head, "it's okay" I said with a small smile, "it ain't" he said chewing on the his thumb. "It's fine" I shrugged.

He shook his head but we didn't say another word the rest of the drive to the CDC.

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