Chapter Five

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"I'm going hunting in the morning, want to go?" He asked looking over at me. It was now dark and the only light was the kitchen light from inside and the first burning in front of us.

"I actually brought my sketch pad to keep myself busy so I didn't have to bug you during your own time" I said taking another sip of the drink in my hand.

We were both pretty buzzed from the amount we had drank, daryl was awfully chatty but we were both having a good night.

"Oh alright" he said, he almost sound disappointed?

I sat with my knees up to my chest, my chin resting on my knee. I was watching Daryl as he sat watching the fire.

The heat from the fire made his cheeks a light pink color, slightly lighting up his features in the dark.

"You know, I'm still sorry bout what I said to ya before you left for college." He said glancing up at me, connecting our eyes.

I shook my head at him, "don't be, it's fine" I said shaking my head. For some reason I was upset by it even tho I was over it. It was years ago.

"It wasn't right for me, I was kinda upset you were leavin. You may have annoyed me at times, but I missed ya while you were gone" he admitted and I smiled.

"I was barely 18, I don't blame you for saying what you did. Daryl, I honestly am not bother by it anymore. It was year ago" I said sending him a small smile.

He didn't pull his eyes from mine until I looked down at my own drunk, "he said somethin to me last night." He said and I looked back up at him.

"Asked if I liked you" he continued. My cheeks blushed, "he asked me the same thing" I said chuckling lightly.

"What'd you tell 'em?" He asked cautiously.

My cheeks blushed again, thankfully the very slightly light covering it. "Well you are 7 years older than me..." I said chuckling and sitting up straight in my chair.

"He said that we're adults now" I laughed mockingly mimicking my dads voice. He slightly smiled and looked up at me.

For a second I thought he would say more but he only huffed and stood up, kicking the fire out. "I'm going to bed" he said.

I quickly stood and followed him into the cabin, not wanting to be outside by myself. He grabbed a blanket and handing it over to me before grabbing his own and moving towards the couch.

"You can take the bed, I don't mind sleeping on the couch" I spoke, standing there awkwardly as he flopped down on the couch. "S'alright, you can take the bed" he said placing his arm over his eyes.

I sighed but turned the lights off and laid down in the bed. I didn't realize how tired I was until I was passed out seconds later.

When I woke up, Daryl was gone. I stood up wincing at the pounding headache I had. When I looked on the counter there was note along with a water bottle and two pills.

Went hunting. Might need these

I smiled lightly, grabbing the two pills and swallowing them down with the water. I made myself a cup of instant coffee, just using the microwave to heat up the water.

I took the cup of coffee and my sketch pad to the back patio where I sat in the chair around the fire. Daryl must have left super early, it couldn't have been passed 7 or 8 am.

I spent a couple hours drawing random things. I liked to draw pictures of my mom, remembering her face as best as I could.

Some twigs snapped and I looked up to Daryl with a crossbow in his hands. His muscles flexed with the bow which made my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

"How was your hunt?" I asked sitting back and eyeing him. "Fine" he simply started walking passed me, putting his crossbow on the ground leaning against the cabin and walked inside.

I furrowed my eyebrows slightly closing the sketchbook in my hands and walking into the cabin behind him.

He was laying on the couch with an arm over his eyes. "Everything alright?" I asked standing in the middle of the room awkwardly.

"Yeah" he said not moving his arm. "Okay..." I drug our turning around and making my way to the table where I had put my sketchbook.

I took a seat, drawing some more. "Why did you wanna come out here with me?" Daryl suddenly asked. Causing me to jump and look up at him. He was now sitting up against the back of the couch.

"Ahh..." I started to say, "to get out of the house.. why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"Just to get out of the house? You could have done that with your dad or one of your friends... why did you choose to come out here?" He said a little bitter and this time i rolled my eyes, shook my head and turned back to my sketchbook.

"Why are you being so rude?" I simply asked, not even looking up at him. "Rude? It was jus a question" he snapped.

"That, was rude. I'm sorry I didn't answer the way you wanted me to. Did you want me to say that I came out here hoping I could get laid? Because if that's what you're looking for, I am not it." I said not even looking up.

"What the hell are ya going on about?" He said getting defensive and I just shook my head. Clearly something's bothering him and he's just talking it out on me.

"Are we staying another night or going home? If you're gonna be rude to me for the rest of this then I don't wanna be here" I said finally looking up at him and his face was red.

This is exactly what he used to do before I left for college, he would start getting defensive and rude to me.

I could feel my eyes starting to burn slightly, I was trying so hard not to let this bother me but I couldn't help it. A part of me was just hoping that he had changed and maybe things would be nice between us. Every day I hope for the day he admits he has feeling for me. That he always had but I know that day will never come. I will always be that little girl from across the road.

I shook my head to myself, grabbing my pack of cigarettes and making my way out to the patio. Allowing the couple tears to fall but quickly wiping them away.

I lit the cigarette and sat by the fire pit. I heard the patio door open then close and daryl took a seat next to me in his chair.

"M'sorry. I'm jus not used ta actually spending time with people." He said honestly. "It's okay" I shrugged, avoiding his gaze and taking another long drag of the cigarette.

"It's not, I'm sorry I upset ya" he said and I looked up to him, I'm sure he could probably tell that I allowed a few tears slip and he frowned lightly.

"It's okay, Daryl" I shrugged. It would always be okay, there would never be a time where this man could actually push me away.

"You wanna stay another night?" He asked and I shrugged, "doesn't matter to me" I said glancing at him for a slightly second before staring back off into the woods.

"We could stay another night? It's nice having a break from my dad" he admitted and I nodded. I didn't really want to say anything so I just smiled at him.

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