Chapter Ten

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I stood awkwardly with Daryl, not knowing anyone else in this camp other than Glenn in Rick. I didn't even really know them.

We stood around, waiting for Rick or Shane to make a call on what we were doing. I had learned the douche with the shotguns name was Shane.

"Com'on, we gotta clear some of the walkers" Daryl said pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded following him towards the body's laying across the ground.

He sent his axe into a guys head, walking off towards the next. T-dog and I grabbed the body by it's arms and legs and carried off towards the burn pile.

I watched as Rick went over to a grieving Andrea who raised her gun and pointed it right at Rick.

Rick started to back away and the rest of the group relaxed, it was tense and awkward around everyone. I tried my best to be helpful while everyone was grieving.

Rick motioned for us to gather around, so we did. "You seriously just gonna let that girl hamstring us?" Daryl asked, in an irritated tone. "The dead girls a time bomb!"

"What do you suggest?"

"Take the shot, clean in the brain. From here" Daryl growled, as if it was just a given. "Hell I could hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."

"No. For gods sakes, let her be" Lori said taking a seat.

Not another word was spoken between any of us. I stood back a little bit with my arms crossed over my chest. It wasn't my place to have a say in this conversation so I kept to myself.

Daryl walked away shaking his head, I followed behind him and helped him take care of another walker.

I sunk my knife into another as Daryl and morales took ahold of him, dragging him to the burn pile.

"What are you guys doing?" Glenn asked, watching as they struggled to move the body. "This is for geeks. Our people go over there." He yelled, causing me to jump.

"What's it matter? Their all dead anyway" he said continuing what he was doing. I rolled my eyes at the stubborn man.

"Our people. Go in that row over there." Glenn snapped. "We don't burn them! We bury them! Understand?" He asked Daryl, making himself very clear.

They moved the body towards the row for their friends, Daryl started to speak but I couldn't hear what he was saying until morales told him to shut up.

"Y'all left my brother for dead." He called, angry all over his face. "You had this comin!" He yelled again storming off.

I followed behind him quietly until we were far enough away. "Hey" I called, causing him to look up at me. He had tears in his eyes which he tried his hardest to blink them away.

"I know you're upset about merle, but these people just lost friends, family. Merle is still alive" I said stepping closer to him. "You don't know that" he spat, enough to make me flinch with his words.

"Daryl, come one. You know merle. You think he's gonna let something like this kill him?" I asked giving him a look. He knew exactly what I was talking about and I knew I was right. Merle's been through some shit in life, this wasn't about to be what killed him.

"A walker got him. A walker bit Jim." A lady called, one I had not been introduced to yet. "Shit" Daryl said under his voice taking off towards them.

Jim started to back away, getting nervous with the prying eyes.

"Show it to us" Daryl said lifting his axe to his shoulder. Jim quickly grabbed a shovel, protecting himself from the angry members.

T-dog grabbed him while Daryl lifted his shirt. Showing off a red bite mark right on his stomach.

"I'm okay"

"I'm okay"

"I'm okay"

Jim called out, giving into the hold T-dog had on him. Daryl and T-dog backed away. We all stared at him in disbelief. He continued to say "I'm okay."

We split our ways for a second as the woman got Jim settled. "I say we put a pick axe in his head" Daryl said and I shot him a glare. "And the dead girls and be done with it" he continued, i so badly just wanted to tell him to shut up.

"Is that what you would want?" Shane asked, looking up at Daryl. I knew that's exactly what he would want.

"yeah, and id thank you while you did." daryl stated, "i hate to say it, never thought i would. but maybe daryls right" dale added. The rest if the group looking at dale like he was crazy.

"Jim's not a monster, dale, or some rabid dog." Rick said, he then looked over at me. "Your a Doctor, what do we do?" Rick asked and I looked at him like a deer in the headlights. I never would have through the leader of this group would be asking me for my opinion.

"Honestly," I breathed looking between them. "If it would have been an arm, or a leg we might have been able to save him... but he's bit right in his belly. It's been well over 12 hours since this all happened. There nothing we can do" I explained and a lot of the group frowned. "The best I can do is clean out his wound, patch him up and make him comfortable until the time comes."

"I heard the CDC was working on a cure." Rick said and I shook my head. "He won't make it that far" I stated and Rick shook his head. "We can try."

I glanced over at Daryl, he kept looking behind him at Jim.

"You go look for aspirin, do what ya need to do. Someone needs to hav some balls to take care of this damn problem!" Daryl yelled getting ready to swing his pick axe at Jim before Rick put his gun to Daryl's head.

Without even thinking I pulled out my pistol, placing it to Rick head. "Kill him, I'll kill you" I said in a low tone.

"We don't kill the living" Rick stated, keeping his gun to Daryl's head. When Daryl tuned to look he eyes me as I held my gun to ricks head. Not even moving a muscle.

"That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head." Daryl said.

"We may disagree on some things. Not on this. You put it down" Shane said to Daryl and he dropped the pickaxe.

Rick lowered his gun from Daryl's head, I did the same. "I'm sorry" I said to Rick, he eyed me for a second, completely distrust over his face. "That's my family" I stated, "you would have done the same if it was yours."

Rick only nodded and walked off with Shane and I walked off with Daryl. I grabbed the water bottle out of my back pocket and handed it over to him.

"Thanks" he said taking it and taking a small sip before handing it back. "Drink, it all" I said nodding and Daryl shook his head, placing it back in my hands. "You drink it." I rolled my eyes at the stubborn man.

"Would you really have kill em?" Daryl asked eyeing me. "In a heart beat" I simply stated, moving my way from him and almost running into ricks wife.

"Hey, I'm sorry. For doing this in front of Carl." I said looking up at the woman. She looked at me for a second, as if debating how to hang the situation.

"Thank you for apologizing." She said and started to walk off. "I hope you understand why I had to" she only nodded in response and walked off.

Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have done it. It would have done nothing but cause problem and his blood would have been on my hands.

In all honesty, I would not have hesitated, in this world or not. Daryl is my family and I don't take that lightly. Hopefully now people will re-think when they mess with my family.

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