Chapter Four

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The next morning I anxiously waited for daryl to be ready. I had already packed some clothes and even my sketch book and some pencils. Drawing used it be one of my biggest escapes from the world, I slowly fell out of touch with it once I didn't have anymore time for fun hobbies.

"Be safe out there, do you have your gun?" My dad asked and I nodded pointing towards my bag. It was a hand gun that my dad had bought me for my 21st birthday.

Daryl lightly knocked on the door before opening it, "ready?" He asked and I nodded in return. Grabbing my back pack and placed it on my shoulders.

"Daryl, you protect my girl out there" my dad warned and I rolled my eyes. "I can handle myself" I chuckled giving him and hug and followed daryl out of the house.

"Here" he said holding his hand out and grabbing my back pack, he placed it in the bed of the truck as I got in the passenger side of the truck.

It was a comfortable silence between us both. Daryl drive down our dead end road. My house and the Dixon house was two of three houses on our road, the 3rd being the old Hawkins family.

"You sure you don't mind me going?" I asked eyeing him for a second as he drove with one hand, the other one up to his mouth as he chewed on his thumb.

"Course not, if I did I wouldn't have brought ya" I chuckled and nodded, pulling out my pack of cigarettes and holding it out to him. "Nah, I got somethin better" he said pulling a joint out of his flannel pocket.

I chuckled at him, "I haven't smoked since before I graduated" I chuckled, something daryl and I did a lot, but he would always make fun of my about my dad finding out, since I was so young and he was older, he would always joke about telling my dad his daughter was a pot head.

Daryl lit the joint and we smoked it down to nothing, the atmosphere between us becoming even more calming. We rode with the windows down, one of my arms stayed out the window as I made waves in the air.

"Are we there yet?" I complained, we had only been in the car for about 30 minutes so I knew we had a good two more hours left. "Don't start" he said with a small smirk on his face.

I couldn't help but smile at him, taking this time to admire the man in front of me. My whole heart bursting at the seems. Words can not describe how in love with this man I am. I have never been with anyone, not even when I went through college. When most people think of college, they think of non stop hooking up and going from guy to guy, that was not me.

Growing up I would even turn down boys in my grade, all over a man 7 years older than me. I was 16 years old turning torn down what could have been my first boyfriend but I didn't.

"Whacha lookin at girl?" He said pulling me out of my thoughts, making me blush. "Sorry" I chuckled turning back towards the  front but realized we were at a gas station.

"You were too busy starin at me that ya didn't see we stopped, gotta grab some stuff before we go" he said hopping out of the truck, I followed behind him with my wallet.

"Want a snack?" I asked following him into the gas station and watched as he grabbed a few things. "Nah, I'm good."

I rolled my eyes before grabbing a few snacks, making sure to grab a couple extra knowing daryl would most likely want some too, he was just too stubborn to admit it.

We met back up at the counter which I quickly handed the cashier the cash before daryl could. "What are you doing?" He said jockingly angry. I smiled at him before grabbing our stuff and heading back to the truck.

"Ya didn't have to pay for all that" he said once we put everything in the coolers. "It's nothing, I'm just happy to be out of the house" I nodded taking my shoes off and tucking my legs under me.

"What do ya do for work, at the nursing home?" He asked glancing over at me then back to the road.

"I am their on sight oncologist but I did my clinicals as a nurse at Harrison so I am basically the nursing homes nurse and oncologist" I explained and I heard daryl huff. "Sound like a lot of smart shit."

We spent the next hour and half talking about a lot, this is the first time since I have been home that we actually sat down and taking about everything we missed.

I learned Daryl and Merle were floating around a little bit until Merle got arrested for some dumb shit at the bar. He's doing some time for that, daryl moved back in with their dad who was never really around much anyways, always off on some bender.

I told him a little bit about my college experience and how it sucked for the most part.

It didn't feel like long before we had ended our journey in the mountains of Georgia, the cabin being in the middle of absolutely nowhere. There was no one for miles.

"You know, you could kill me out here and no one would ever know" I pointed out while we stepped out of the truck. I hard daryl laugh as he grabbed the key and opened the cabin door.

It was small, one bed placed in the back corner. A couch sat in front of a fire place and a small kitchen. It was surprisingly clean.

As I was looking around I turned to see daryl with an arm full of stuff. I grabbed the cooler and started to unload it into the fridge. I inspected the two jars of clear liquid, I knew it was moonshine but didn't know we planned to get drunk.

After I finished with the cooler, daryl was already back inside with all of our things. I unloaded a few more things while he opened the curtains. One of the longer curtains revaluing a sliding glass door leading out to a small patio.

"This place is nice" I said leaning over the counter and looking out the kitchen window. "My dad used to bring us out here almost every weekend. Him and Uncle Les would get shit faced, play darts with the wall." He said pointing to the wall that had a bullseye drawn out in sharpie, holes littered the wall around it.

"Thank you for bringing me out here" I said smiling over at the man who stood in front of the sliding glass window, he searched out the back of it.

"It's no problem." He said nodding over towards me.

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