Chapter four

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Coat, jacket, sweater, boots, and a cup of coffee in hand, Jungkook is waiting (im)patiently at his dad's office. It's been half an hour that he sat there and the old man is nowhere to be seen

Why the fuck waking up at 4am in the cold if his dad won't come in time? And who the fuck is meeting his son at an office at a Sunday morning anyway

But Jungkook never say no to his dad, or he just thought he didn't have the right to. Mr. Jeon is known to be a kind and calm person, but there's something in his aura that Jungkook may thinks differently about him, it's intimidating and dominant that even if he told Jungkook to go to the Himalaya right now or just marrying a guy that he never met in his life or even going back to Korea and leave his girlfriend at the US, he'll definitely say yes

One more fifteen minutes and he heard the door of the office opened revealing Mr. Jeon looking at him being confused?

"Good morning dad" Jungkook said as he got up, he bowed a little bit and never bothered to look up, waiting for his dad to speak

"Are you sick?"

What? Why would he think that?

"No, why?"

"Why are you wearing too much clothes then?"

Too much? What in coat, a jacket, a sweater, pants and boots is too much? Well, yeah...

"I was a bit cold this morning"

Mr. Jeon sighed and took a sit before speaking up again-

"Jungkook, i'm really sorry to wake you up this early but i thought you would want to spend your time with your-"

"No no it's fine dad, you can call me anytime you want" he rushed to say, his brain stucked at when his dad said sorry to him not even bothering to know what did he say next, he felt like this old man is too powerful to say sorry

"Why aren't you sitting down?" Jungkook were too busy to zone out that he didn't even realize that he was standing up this whole time

"Right i'm sorry" he smiled awkwardly

"How's life son?"

Life? Does he even have one? Well-

"It's alright i guess?"

"No i mean with Taehyung"

It's hell. Did his dad really wanted him to wake up this early just to talk about Taehyung? If he knew he wouldn't even got up from his bed... Well, no he's scared of his dad

But he was zoning out again that he forgot to answer. Mr. Jeon observed his expression and sighed

"Let me guess, you guys don't get along well?"

It's then that Jungkook realized again that he was thinking too much
But will it be bad to be honest once?

"To be plain with you, no" he gulped, he started to feel hot suddenly that his not too much clothes strarted to bother him very much

His dad chuckled and then sighed. Jungkook felt like he was on the verge of dying, he hated how calm his dad was

"It's really hard to accept a stranger to be your husband and live in the same roof as you right Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked down, no it's not hard but it's Taehyung so it is. Well, he lived at a dorm in the United States so he can say he's extroverted enough to interact with strangers. But Taehyung is an exception

"I guess yes" he mumbled, he really didn't want to sound so pitiful but he couldn't help. He wanted the world to know that this isn't the life he wanted to live but who was he to decide? When you are the only son of the Jeon, you can't decide what your future will be. You have to study business even if you wanted to do art. You have to marry someone that you don't even know even if you are inlove with Mia, but didn't he bring that matter too much?

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