Chapter seven

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Days passed and they still didn't have any progress with this relationship

What relationship? What progress?

Taehyung didn't even know what in this life had a sense. Well, he felt differently these days, he tried to go back home as early as he could (even once he lied to not feel very well while shooting for a project and his manager accepted to let him go get some 'rest') just to see Jungkook always smiling and talking on the phone

He didn't bother to listen who his husband was talking to, the sigh of looking at him happy is enough to erase all of this exhaustion and stress and even Taehyung didn't know that Jungkook smiling would have such an effect on him

He would always cook on his free time and purposely leave some for Jungkook (which he never eats but nevermind), but the thing is that Taehyung put a place for Jungkook in his life even if they didn't talk or even look at each other

Since that night, Taehyung's feeling were troubling, he didn't recognize what it was all about, but he liked it, he liked how his heart would always remind him that Jungkook was being nice to him, fake or not

He wanted to talk, to get along well, to know each other and be domestic maybe like him and Jimin but in their own way, but the feeling to be scared to bother or to annoy Jungkook would always stop him. He wanted nothing but to put a frown on his husband's handsome face

But Jungkook did nothing much that night right? Just smiling at him time to time or putting his hand on his waist or calling him "darling" every then and so, but this kind of attention were all foreign to Taehyung. If this is the love he wanted to experience like a normal teenage boy would want, he'd definitely jump on a river just to feel that again


Taehyung is sitting on his bed, waiting for Jimin to pick him up
The shorter boy called him last night to hangout at a new cafe rather than the usual which Taehyung didn't complain because he'll live in the Sahara without any water nor food if Jimin is going with him

But it's been 40 minutes that he waited and Taehyung sighed. Jimin is Jimin today

Soon after, a pink haired boy stand in the door waiting for someone to open it and hoping to not see Taehyung's angry face welcoming him. He knew he was late after all, thanks to his 3hours of getting ready and the traffic
Seconds later the door finally opened and-

"Hey Tae i'm sorry i'm la- holy crap"

Taehyung, while heading downstairs after hearing the doorbell, find Jimin standing still at the entrance. Jungkook is looking at him confusingly, hands like glued on the door

"Is it the right adress? Because i'm definitely a lost babyboy if you know what i mean"

Taehyung swore he will kill Jimin for that

But Jungkook was more and more confused, who's this short boy looking at him like a meal he had been craving the whole day? Well-

"Chim" Taehyung called and pushed Jungkook away from the door, or more like hiding him behind to bring Jimin back on his mind

"Hey Tae, i was there to pick you up but can't we cancel and let me being picked by this daddy in the bedro-"

"Okay okay let's go now" Taehyung pushed him outside, his face was red more than the red color itself. How is he gonna face Jungkook now?

Hours later, they sat at the new cafe as excepted. But instead of giggling at Jimin's stupid stories, Taehyung is actually begging his bestfriend to talk, usually he'll be the one to tell him to shut the fuck up

"Please Jimin, Chim, my baby, the cutest boy in the world, the not short boy in the-"

"Okay damnit i heard you!"

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