Chapter thirty eight

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It was rather a cold morning when Jungkook came to the hospital again. His father would be released today and he made sure to come there early to get him. The father and son's relationship has been at its greatest state after the day they had talked things out, Jungkook could even tell that his father became like a newfound bestfriend for him. Mr. Jeon was getting better as well with his health, thus he could finally come back home.

Taehyung told him that he has to be at college that day so he trusted Jungkook to take care of his father. He has been extremely busy lately, with college's finals and his modeling career so he barely had time for himself, let alone the others, but everyone understood. He had nothing to worry about though, if anything Jungkook felt rather excited to take his father home.

He had small smile on his face as he looked down, making sure to match his pace with the smaller figure beside him. Yes, he wasn't alone. She smiled too, but the way she made small jumps every now and then and the way she bitted her lips profusely showed how uneasy she was, and Jungkook had to take her hand in his reassuringly for that.

"Hey, he's gonna love you, don't worry" he whispered, making her looking up at him. She nodded nonchalantly, Jungkook knew that wasn't even enough to calm her down.

"Hey wait" she grabbed his arm to stop them as soon as they reached the door of the room where his father was "can't i just wait at the car instead or something?"

Jungkook shaked his head before pulling her in a hug "my father won't beat you monkey, and i'm here too you know, stop being so nervous"

She just groaned, face burried in his chest. As she finally agreed to enter, Jungkook take her hand again and opened the door. A nurse was there, helping Mr. Jeon with his clothes. The smile on the old man's face was priceless as he saw Jungkook, but it turned into a confused look once he saw the girl beside him.

"Ready already?" Jungkook chuckled as a greeting.

"You have no idea" his father gave him an even brighter smile before turning to her again, with a questioning look.

"Oh this is Mia" Jungkook pointed excitedly, that made her bow shyly, her 'hello' barely audible.

"The girlfriend?" Mr. Jeon asked with a teasing tone, taking a sudden amusement. That made the two sharing a look and then they bursted into laugher.

"We're rather friends" she said "nice to meet you Mr. Jeon" she extended her hand, she got comfortable quickly than expected.

"Oh call me uncle dear, and nice to meet you too" the old made take her small hand happily and then he turned to Jungkook "can we leave already? I'm getting sick of this awful bed"

"You have to sign this paper for formalities and come with me to the doctor sir, then you may leave" the nurse handed the paper to Jungkook.

As soon as it was signed, it was Mia who took it "let me just come with her" and with that she left with the nurse and Jungkook helped his father with his shoes.

"Does Taehyung know?" the sudden question made Jungkook look up to meet his father's eyes. They were somehow full of worry.

"He doesn't have to know anything, we're just friends" he looked down again, busying himself on tying his father's shoes. The elder didn't say more and ended the conversation with a sigh, Jungkook didn't know what it meant but surely, there was an abrupt tension that was created on itself.

"Are you guys ready?" Mia's voice startled them both and thankfully breaking the uneasy silence between the father and son.

"Let's go, father?" Jungkook helped his father getting up from the bed as they happily headed out of the hospital.


"So do you want to leave by the new year or on december? Both are possible but it depends on...Tae, are you listening?" Namjoon had to pat the younger's shoulder to get his attention.

"Uh? Yeah i was listening hyung, you can keep going" Taehyung mumbled, boring his eyes on the papers on the table again. His heart couldn't help but to ache as his eyes landed on the same word 'Divorce' over and over again. His brother didn't even listen to him, saying that his career is way too much important for his future, however it was still optional to not divorce if, of course, him and Jungkook will decide to stay together, but still, he will leave nonetheless so it still hurts.

"You know, the more you decide when to leave, the more you can convince him to let you go" Namjoon said softly, already feeling bad for the threatening tears on the corner of Taehyung's eyes.

"It's just...i don't even know if he would still want to be with me if i'm away, what if he will find someone else by the time i come back?"

"He will understand Tae, if he loves you then he will put your own happiness in consideration too" although those words were nothing but true, Taehyung couldn't stop himself from imagining the worst. They've been actually better, he confessed and they were still together despite the fact that Jungkook didn't say he loves him back. Taehyung's hope was still so high that maybe, just maybe Jungkook would still want to be with him even for the years that will separate them.

"And about this" Namjoon took the divorce paper in his hand "talk to him and make a decision together. I know you've signed it already but that won't change anything if he won't. Jungkook is always honest, i'm pretty sure everything will be okay" Namjoon's dimples were lovingly showing as he smiled, Taehyung found it hard to not respond the gesture.

"Okay, i'll talk to him as soon as possible and then after that i'll tell you when i want to leave"

The sun was already setting when Taehyung went home, he decided to stay a little longer at the Kims' house as per his brother's request and Jin sulking about him never staying that long. Tired, he decided to call Jungkook even so, knowing that he won't be home already at that time. Yet, he received a message that Jungkook will stay at the Jeon mansion today and his father had been released from the hospital well. A small smile appeared on Taehyung's face as he decided to call him nonetheless. After a ring or two, Jungkook pick up.

"Darling" Taehyung felt his cheeks heating up.

"Hey, how's father?"

"Um, he's okay, much better even" Taehyung then heard someone laughing, it was Mr. Jeon, a relived smile appeared on his face but then...another laugher, it was familiar but Taehyung's mind was blurry to remember it but he was sure the feminine tone of it wasn't stranger to his ears. He didn't even know why his heart beated a little bit more faster nor why his breathe became unever, let alone why his tears threatened to stream again. Thankfully Jungkook's voice restrained him from his urging anxiety.

"Darling, is everything okay?"

Taehyung closed his eyes momentarily to brush his thoughts away "yeah, just wanted to hear you voice"

Jungkook chuckled on the other line. A music to Taehyung's ears but his heart pratically missed the beat of it. Every sound that Jungkook emitted was like magic, or maybe it was only Taehyung that is whipped, more to say, madly in love.

"Jungkook?" he whispered, a golden ray of the sunset hitting his face, he enjoyed the remaining warmth of it, as much as the little hum he received as a response.

"I love you"

Taehyung choosed that it was enough. All he had now is enough. The silence he received for his love is enough to calm his heart and to believe that everything will also be okay. It's all okay if he's lying to himself, it's all okay even if he knew he was just trying to ignore the bad feelings he got lately, it's all okay even if he knew it wasn't okay to not know Jungkook's feelings.

It was okay because if he ended up being honest with himself, it will hurt.



Borahae 💜

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