Chapter twenty four

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Jungkook was anxious sick. There was a kind of silence that is cutthroating him in the car when they left the Kim's house. Taehyung was mute like a stone, and it was killing the older because Taehyung was never this silent when he's happy.

Clearly, now, he is not.

Is it because of him? Or maybe because of the little talk he had with Namjoon before they left? What is bothering him?

A wave of thoughts drowned Jungkook's mind. But he didn't dare to ask because he didn't want them to have conflict just because Taehyung wanted privacy. Maybe that's what he needed right now.

Jungkook waited patiently for them to arrive, for Taehyung to take a shower, for them to finally be in bed so that he can finally ask—still panicking internally if ever Taehyung will be comfortable enough to open up to him.

But thinking about it, Jungkook presumed that after everything, they went far enough to not feel at ease with each other anymore.

If he trust me with his body, he should trust me with his feelings too.

So with all the courage and strenght that Jungkook had left, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, who was back facing him.

"Tae?" he murmured. He heard Taehyung humming

"Can you please look at me?"

Taehyung slowly turned around to face him. His cheeks were red, his eyes watery, his lips trembling. Jungkook felt his heart aching when he saw his husband looking like that

"Darling, what's wrong?" he asked again, caressing Taehyung's back softly to remind him that he's there. Taehyung is not alone.

"N-nothing...i just.."

"No Tae, please talk to me" Jungkook sounded like pleading, and seems like it provoked Taehyung's heart to explode because he burried his face on Jungkook's neck, breaking down. He cried and cried, and Jungkook let him. He kissed the older's hair and whispered sweet nothings to his ears.

It lasted some minutes or so for Taehyung before he looked up at Jungkook's tender eyes, still sobbing.

"I'm s-sorry i just...i was just s-scared" Taehyung mumbled, his body was trembling too in Jungkook's hold

"Is it about what Namjoon hyung told you? What did he say?"

Should i tell Jungkook? Should i tell him?

No! He'll be mad!

"The divorce...he was t-talking about the d-divorce"


There's no turning back now.

Everything felt cold around Jungkook, he didn't know why but he felt his throat tightening and his heart aching so bad that he it was slowly taking his life away.


Oh fuck, they were in an arranged marriage.

"Why are you scared Taehyung?" he anxiously asked

"I don't know Jungkook, now that everything's fine between us, i'm scared to..." Taehyung was crying again

Please don't say it.

"I g-got attached to you, Jungkook"

No! My heart can't handle it.

Jungkook didn't say anything, he couldn't. He didn't know what to say, his heart was screaming but why the words wasn't coming out?

So instead he pressed his lips on Taehyung's soft ones, kissing him as soft as ever. Taehyung immediately kissed back, like it was the only thing he needed to feel better.

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