Chapter fourty six

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Everyone were quite busy gathering and chatting among themselves in the huge wall where Yoongi and Jimin's engagement party was held. It wasn't a huge party as expected but knowing how quite  private Yoongi will always be, it was really understandable. There were just their few acquaitances, partners and family.

Taehyung smiled fondly when, as soon as the music started, the two newly engaged couple were dancing in the centre of the hall, with everyone watching them with fond eyes. How happy Taehyung felt seeing them moving along the soft music, eyes staring at each other with so much love and fondness.

To be frank, he envied them. He wished things were different, or maybe quite as the same as two years ago. Maybe at those days he would still dance with that man he once fell in love with, maybe it would be their official engagement party too.

But things weren't the same. Taehyung was tearing up, trapped in utter happiness and the sudden void he felt in his wretched heart.

"Hi beautiful" a sudden voice from behind him startled Taehyung and he turned around to the familiar voice.

His eyes went wide as he exclaimed "Hobi hyung, hi!"

"It's been a while Taetae, you look really stunning" Hoseok said with a bright smile, he even took a step back to have a better view of Taehyung's shiny outfit and pretty make up.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed red when Hoseok eyed him with wide eyes "t-thank you hyung"

"Why are you standing here alone tho? You should be dancing!"

"I'm not really in the mood hyung" Taehyung mumbled, a sudden sadness obvious in his voice. In reality, he did want to dance, but just doing it with a random stranger was what he found not tempting to do.

"Oh c'mon it will be fun, let's dance~" Hoseok tried to cheer him as he took Taehyung's hand and dragged him to where everyone were already dancing with their partners, joining Yoongi and Jimin.

"Alright alright" Taehyung finally agreed, his Hobi is not a 'random stranger' after all.

To Taehyung's surprise, Hoseok was a really good dancer and soon enough the dance floor were theirs. It was so fun that Taehyung found himself laughing so hard.

But when exhaustion and thirst took the best of them they had to take a little break. Taehyung was panting heavily but his smile was still as wide as ever.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer hyung"

"You think so? Well, thank you" Hoseok said while handing a non-alcoholic drink to Taehyung "me and Jungkook were at a dance club in college, it was fun but as we grew up we couldn't really dance as we did at those days anymore. But you're a good dancer too Taetae, was it Jungkook who taught you?"

Taehyung's smile lost his brightness at the sudden mention of that name that still made his heart sank a little "N-not really"

"I'm sorry i just guessed"

A sudden silent brought an hesitant question to Taehyung, he debated on asking it or not, but at the end he sighed and asked hesitantly "b-by the way, isn't h-he coming to the party?"

"Actually, he still had some works but he'll eventually come. Why you asked?"

"N-no n-nothing i just.." Taehyung felt his throat drying again in embarassement even though he just drank not so long ago.

"No i mean, shouldn't you know that?" Hoseok asked, making a confused face.

"M-me? Why should i?"

"Because you two are–"

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