Chapter twelve

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The quietness of the peaceful morning embellished the flat and total comfort thrilled Taehyung, sitting at ease in his hyung's bed with a book in hand. Since he woke up he didn't want to think of anything than exploring another world, anywhere literature will lead him

A pleasant smell of coffee teased his nose since earlier. He, not really a big fan of the 'too much bitter drink' for his taste, melted into the scent that was giving him a strong sensation of serenity. He wanted to capture this perfect and simple morning of his not too fucked up life that he enjoyed nonetheless

Soon Yoongi appeared with a mug of the hot coffee he just made and another one with tea since he knew the younger's strict preferences. An almost unseen curve orned his lips when he saw Taehyung still embracing the comfort of the bestsheets. He seemed so lost in that book that he surely found on the older's desk.
Yoongi loves reading too.

"Thanks" Taehyung mumbled not bothering to look at his hyung when the older handed him his tea

"Aren't you supposed to go to college today?" Yoongi said after making a place for himself next to the younger

"No lecture today" Taehyung said while sipping on his tea, eyes never leaving his book

"You can stay here then, i have to go to the office today" the older said, not bothering too much that Taehyung wasn't even focusing on their discussion. Instead, he found it rather cute when the younger is all concentrating like that

"Okay, i'll tidy up after". Yoongi ruffled the younger's hair before getting up, he was almost late

Minutes later he was ready to go and found Taehyung making the bed while humming a random song

"I'll go now Taehyungie" he said approaching the younger who nodded

"How about the keys? I may go home in the afternoon"

"Oh i thought you'd stay longer, but it's okay. Just take the keys with you, i have the double of it"

"Alright, plus it will be easy for me if i wanna come over. I intend to do that more often"

A sumptuous grin made its way to Yoongi's face before putting Taehyung in a tight hug who like deepening it, burried his face in the older's neck. It was rather a silent thank you, his hyung was the best listener ever and he felt so lucky to find him at the party, or else he couldn't imagine how miserable he would look if he was alone at home

"I'll see you" Yoongi waved before leaving him there.

Everything was like a rollercoster.

After Yoongi left, Taehyung cleaned up the place, he made lunch before leaving and came back at their house. He'd call Jimin later or else his bestfriend will scold him forever for not giving him full details of whatever happened

Because he knew Jimin will always find out, soon or later

Everything was unexcepted.

He didn't think he would find Jungkook at home at all, yet his husband was there looking straight at him angrily (?)

He didn't know if he should talk, or just mind his business and go to his room. What is there to talk anyway? And last night-

Oh he was so happy to spend time with his hyung that he almost forget about last night. It somehow put him on the conclusion that they are now supposed to ignore each other again despite the intense look Jungkook gave him since he entered the door

He was about to go upstairs when a strong arm made him turn around and Jungkook grabbed him by his waist tightly. Taehyung's eyes widened, he couldn't register what exactly the fuck is happening. His hands rested forcefully on his husband's chest, their eyes studying each other's expression

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