Chapter fourty

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Safe. That's how Taehyung finally felt as he stepped at the wooden door of the only person that came into his mind after all the wobbling feelings he had felt. There was no more tears to cry in the road, all that was in his mind was that he's strong, he's not weak, he can get over this, he saw worst than that. But as he rang the doorbell and the suprised and worried expression of the person by the door welcomed him, he finally broke down.

How wrong he was, thinking that love won't make him weak, that love won't reach him in way to get lost like this, but as he ran into Yoongi's arms and broke down on his shoulder, he felt even frailer than he ever dreaded to be.

"Tae..." Yoongi murmured softly, rocking his hand back and forth on the younger's back "what happened?"

At first, Taehyung couldn't utter a word, the lump in his throat restrained his words to come out and he cried even harder. His shacking legs couldn't support him anymore as he started to stumble but Yoongi immediately catch him and carried him into his arms and leaded them to the couch. Taehyung continued to cry in the older's arms, letting the emotions that he forbidded himself to have finally coming out. He felt so lost, a loser, someone that doesn't deserve happiness, he felt miserable, stupid and hopeless. He sobbed and Yoongi let him, not asking any further, all he did was to stroke the younger's back softly and let his shoulder being wet from Taehyung's tears.

It lasted a moment before Taehyung's sobs softened and he clinged himself closer to Yoongi's body—where he felt more than safe and sound—before speaking "it's over hyung, Jungkook...we're over"

Yoongi was already tearing up when he saw the younger so vulnerable like this but after what he had heard, he couldn't hold his tears to flow down his cheeks anymore. He felt so bad for Taehyung, the boy that did nothing bad, the sweetest and most beautiful boy that he had ever seen, someone that is nothing but kind couldn't be feeling like this. Taehyung didn't deserve all of this and Yoongi's anger couldn't help but to show up. He was so angry at Jungkook at that time that he promised himself to make sure that bastard received a fist the next time they will get to meet.

"Oh Tae, i'm sorry" he mumbled, not knowing the right word but he knew, him being there for Taehyung is more than enough.

"I really thought that things would go well, i really hoped that he will love me back hyung, i was...i was so stupid" Taehyung hided his face on Yoongi's chest, feeling his tears coming up again.

"No, you're not stupid, Tae. Love is just something that we all can't force to feel, but it's not your fault, i promise" Yoongi stroked the younger's hair softly, making Taehyung looking up at him "tell me what happened um?"

And with tears and broken state, Taehyung started to narrate everything that happened to Jungkook's office and Yoongi never felt this enraged before.

"I k-kinda knew it you know, i k-knew that he somehow won't love me back b-but i-i still hoped that maybe i was w-wrong. But after what i s-saw...i finally realized t-that i was right all this time" the way Taehyung's voice was breaking and his hand clunching on the older's shirt were heartbreaking for Yoongi "i'm not mad at him, i just...i don't know hyung, i just feel...s-stupid"

Yoongi shushed him at that "you're not, and if you're not mad at him that's okay. Just rest for now and let your emotions come out, i'm always here for you Tae, you're not alone" Yoongi reassured, his tenderness made Taehyung melt "just stay here for a moment, and at the time being, you'll finally purchase your dreams. Think about the future and let Jungkook and everything about him slide, your feelings won't go easily but just remember that you're not alone, we're all here for you okay? Just rest a little"

Taehyung continued to cry the whole night but none of them uttered a word anymore, Yoongi just let him let out his tears until the younger finally fell asleep from exhaustion and heavy heart.

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