Chapter thirty one

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The two days flew rather too fast for Taehyung to get his heartbeats ready. It's finally Jungkook's birthday and he's beyond anxious and happy at the same time.

Today, he's finally going to confess.

Jungkook, on the other hand, is not the most enthusiastic for it as he wasn't the type to get over the moon for a birthday. He was born and that's it.
Although, ten or more years ago, he would be excited and delightful. But now, things changed, a lot.

Now he would rather stay alone and drink all day if it's only up to him. But that changed too, since now he has Taehyung.

He knew the latter would prepare something for him, judging the way he couldn't stop talking about it for the past few days. It was almost as if it's Taehyung's birthday and not his. He didn't mind though, because he'd do everything to see that breathtaking boxy smile on Taehyung's face all day, or forever if he's allowed to.

As for now, he's still at his office. He didn't care to consider the day as an escape to not finish his works. For his surprise, all the employees greeted him all with confettis and huge smiles, and for a moment he did feel warm around all of these people, he even bowed at them gratefully.

His father sent him a message too, he guessed. He didn't mind to open it, he didn't care, at all. Once he saw the notification and his father's name on the screen he immediately ignored it, as well as the way how he felt his chest tightening.

It was still a beautiful day for now, even if he couldn't see Taehyung in the morning. How he wished his husband would be the first greeting him with kisses and—anyway, he wished, but he was only left with a cold space beside him since he woke up, Taehyung nowhere in sight in the house. He tried to not mind though, maybe tonight he'd see him and they would celebrate it together.

A small smile appeared on his lips, imagining Taehyung's excitement and happy face deep in his mind.

Well, until his phone rang again, and this time it made him jump on his seat once he saw the ID of the person, his heart beating so fast out of happiness.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY IDIOT!" he heard Mia shouting as soon as he picked up the phone, a huge smile orning his lips upon hearing her voice. The voice that couldn't erase from his dreams since that night she called him again.

"Thank you my lo- little monkey" Jungkook's heart skipped a beat, it was still so natural for him to call her that—oh well, this time he 'almost' say it.

"You don't sound too excited, don't tell me the old boring Jeon Jungkook is back! It's your birthday you should be the happiest guy in the world!"

He chuckled as he could imagine her pouting right now "but i am happy, especially since my little monkey didn't forget it this time"

She tsked on the other line "who do you think i am? I was counting days to finally wish you"

Even if he tried, Jungkook failed to ignore the butterflies still swirling on his stomach, he fisted his hand on his chest to prevent it from exploding "thank you, it means a lot to me"


There was a long silence between them, Jungkook felt a knot on his throat as he was fighting for his tears to not fall. He didn't know why, but it does hurt. He couldn't lie to himself anymore.

"My love, i-"

"Jungkook please"

" hurts okay! I miss you so just hurts and you're not here.."

"You made me cry again idiot" he heard her chuckling with a little snif and he couldn't help but to smile a little as well.

And she continued "i know all of that Jungkookie, and i miss you too. But we-"

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