Chapter 3

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Fortunately for him, after having a long talk  with his boss, he was able to get off easily with a warning and was sent home for the rest of the day off to help clean up his clothes from the accident.

After he took another quick shower and changed into a new outfit, he then brewed himself another pot of coffee and relaxed while watching T.V on the living room couch as he waited for his friend to arrive home from work since Rodney had to finish out the rest of his shift.

He was very much irritated with what happened today and certainly could not tolerate it much longer.

Geez, what's with that guy's problem?

It's not like I'm refusing to make him another drink or anything.

And besides it was his fault, not mine for not watching out where he was going.


I need a vacation.

Anywhere, to help me get away from this awful nightmare.

Bugs thought, miserably as he rubbed his head and slowly fell back to sleep on the couch with the T.V blaring on.

Later on that day, it was at about 5:30 pm when Rodney finally returned back to the apartment in a bursting voice, so loud, that he caused Bugs to be jolted awake from his nap.

"What we're you thinking Bugs?!" Rodney yelled out while closing the door behind him.

"Yawn. Hey Rodney. It's good to see ya too." Bugs said in a sarcastic groan while rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms out. 

"Don't 'Hey' me. You're lucky that he didn't chew you out in the first place for causing a scene back there in front of the other customers." Rodney said while he walked over to the kitchen to grab a drink along with some other essentials to make himself a sandwich.

"Heh. That guy deserved it. Besides I wasn't the one making all the fuss. That was all him and it wasn't my fault that he was in my way. He should have just payed attention to where he was going." Bugs explained.

"I'm serious, man. We can not both afford to lose this job. I can't always be there for you to cover up your messes for you all the time. You're going to have to do that one on your own." Rodney advised which made Bugs roll his eyes more at his friend for being so persistent in this 'safety net' of a job that he personally doesn't even want anymore.

"Believe me, I have been. And I never once asked you for your help anyhow. By the way do you have work in the morning?" Bugs asked while craning his neck from his frustrations.

"Nah, it's my day off. Why?" Rodney asked curiously while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Sigh. Wonderful. I guess I'm going to be stuck with the next shift at the crack of dawn by myself then. I'm going to bed then. Goodnight." Bugs said as he walks over to back to his room while Rodney looks over at him, surprised.

"What?! You sure you want to go to bed now? But, it's only 6:00 pm and you haven't even ate anything all day." Rodney said, in concern.

He doesn't know what exactly was going on recently with his friend or why he's acting like this.

But he knows one thing for sure, is that he wasn't getting enough food in his system to feel fine at all.

Which could probably explain some of the grouchy behavior that he's been seeing in him lately.

Or maybe... that was only PART of the problem.

Rodney thought quietly to himself before Bugs replied back.

"I'm fine. I'll just make up for it tomorrow. Right now, I need to get some rest. I haven't been able to sleep well in days." Bugs said in a rough, groggily voice.

Well maybe I can just ask him what's really on his mind when he's in a better mood tomorrow.

Rodney thought before he replied back.

"Alright then. Get some shut eye. But I better not catch you leaving out of the apartment tomorrow without a good proper breakfast first." Rodney advised.

"Sure mom." Bugs said sarcastically before closing his bedroom door behind him and dozed off to sleep immediately on his bed.


Meanwhile, Daffy, who apparently was also having a bad day himself, had to run back  home right after the accident to clean up some of the coffee muck and even forgotten about his free drink along the way.

Not long afterwards, he headed towards his own work at the burger joint called Joes Greasy Slop, which is a classic diner place with the red booths like it was the 50s and 60s all over again.

When he got to the joint, he then walked calmly inside, only for him to be immediately ambushed by his boss, who was this tall, sweaty, meat head that looked as if he could your local butcher.

"You're late." His boss boomed in a grouchy tone.

"S...Sorry, sir." Daffy mumbled, partially due to his overwhelming fear of the big guy squishing him to a pulp since he is technically smaller than the average man out there.

"Sorry, ain't gonna cut it. Now get back there and fry up something up, pipsqueak. Or I'll have your head on a silver platter. You got that?!" The boss ordered in a threatening tone.

"Y...yes sir! Right away, sir!" Daffy yelled out as he quickly got to his station in the back of the kitchen and waited for the big man to leave out of his sight before he can ever sigh in relief.



The nerve of that guy.

Who does he think he is?

Trying to ruin my day.

I'll show them who they're messing with.

I'll show them all.

And sooner or later, I'm going to be leaving this place in victory.

With a big green recliner waiting for me at home.

And a chance of getting a grand spot opening on becoming the next big pianist in town.

Just like what grandmommy would have wanted me.

Daffy thought to himself with a small smile across his face and a bright view of enthusiasm in his mind as he spends the next several hours scrubbing out his guts for that restaurant.

He wasn't going to give up his dream now, because he has a lot more to look forward to.

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