Chapter 7

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Chapter 7~

Next morning Jaden was all well and she was ready to attend her classes. She got dressed in her robes and was off for breakfast.

"Hey guys, what's up..." Jaden waved at Agatha and Charlus at the table.

"Jadyyyy, you're back, how's your health, Charlus told me everything about yesterday, I was really worried for you dear" stated Agatha.

"It was just weakness, nothing to be worried for, let's finish the breakfast, and what's our first class today? Potions or Transfiguration?", asked Jaden.

"It's Transfiguration, by Dumbledore, and that too with Slytherins, he's the best teacher in Hogwarts, I admire him from my heart", answered Charlus.

Ofcourse he is.....

Thought Jaden with a sweet smile on her face.

"Listen Jade, me and Charlus are going for extra Charms lessons so w'ell be skipping Transfiguration", said Agatha.

"Okay, alright then I'll catch you both in the afternoon"

"See you then, and take care", Charlus waved at Jaden, and left.

"Great....I have to attend the first class alone, no friends...and above all Riddle will be there with his nasty face", murmured Jaden.

By the way....his face is not nasty..he is somewhat handsome or may be..... cute...whatever....Remember Jaden you are not here to make Riddle hate you nice to have to deflect him from the path of evil.....

Thinking this she rolled her eyes and had a look at the Slytherin table searching for Riddle but he wasn't there. She looked at the clock and it was 9:40.

Gosh!! I am 10 minutes late....


Transfiguration class~

"Morning students, be seated fast, today we have to deal with something really very interesting", greeted Dumbledore with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Excuse me sir, M-may I..I come in....", came Jaden running and panting.

"Yeah Ms. Pevensie, get in fast, have a seat. I think you had a great breakfast today", chuckled Dumbledore.

Jaden ran her eyes through the class for an empty seat, and it was expected the only empty seat was beside Tom Riddle.

And why not?? Who will like to sit beside this evil, crazy monster.....

No.....Jadyy...take a deep breath, control your anger, and be patient with Tom Riddle......

"Hey Riddle, can you please shift, I want to sit", Jaden raised her eyebrow.

Tom shifted, staring bitterly at her.

"I am not expecting a normal answer from you Riddle, but if you have even a bit of humanity left in you can you please tell me what happened in the last class of Transfiguration", asked Jaden not looking at Tom.

Tom looked at her amused, "Sorry?? this your habit to speak unnecessary things before coming to the point. By the way I don't know what was taught yesterday because I didn't attend the class."

"It's been just a day and you already started missing me. C'mon Tom if I wasn't there in the class it doesn't means you'll also skip them", giggled Jaden.

"Excuse me, I don't care you were there in the class or not, I have got other important things to do-.."

"Class pay attention here", called out Dumbledore.

Tom gave Jaden an angry look while she was smirking looking at him.

"Today we'll be learning about the Hardening Charm, Duro", said Dubledore to the class.

"Can anyone tell me something about the hardening charm", continued he.

Four or five hands shot up, "Yes Mr. Riddle, speak up"

"Sir, The Hardening Charm will turn an object into solid stone. This can be surprisingly handy in a tight spot.", answered Tom.

"Well done, 10 points to Slytherin"

Howsoever he is...but that's true he has got some brains...... thought Jaden.

"Now can anyone tell me whats the opposite of Hardening Charm"

This time only two hand were in the air.

"Yes, Ms. Pevensie, give your answer"

"Professor its Spongify, Spongify is The Softening Charm - most useful for making things rubbery and bouncy, especially certain hard surfaces", answered Jaden with a smile, facing few glare from the class.

She is not so stupid as she looks.....

Thought Tom

"Bravo! Ms. Pevensie...10 points to Gryffindor"

"So class today your homework is to write 3 pages on Spongify, its history and applications, and another 3 pages on Duro and the same. Class is dismissed", announced Dumbledore.

I have to befriend Tom Riddle otherwise I am going to fail in my mission.....

Thought Jaden as she called out for Tom,

"Listen, Riddle....Hey...stop"

Tom looked around,

"What?? Stop pissing me off Pevensie", he said monotonically.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask, I mean,'s..."

"Hurry up say it, I have got another class don't have much time to listen you nonsense", snapped Tom.

"Can you tutor me in Herbology?", said Jaden making a puppy face.

Tom looked at her for few seconds, with blank expressions, but looked like he was suppressing a smile.

Finally he replied so coldly, "I'll look through this, if I am free, see you later"

Before Jaden could reply he left.

God...he is so bitter...he has got a heart of stone I think someone casted Duro spell to his heart.....

Jaden rolled her eyes.

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