Chapter 19

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Chapter 19~

“So, you mean to say Tom, you will always stay by my side?” she raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah, you’re my friend, so call it my responsibility to protect you and by the way you yourself are capable to handle any odds. The way you answer in the classes it always gives an impression that you’re quite intelligent.” He answered blankly.

“Is that a compliment Tom?” she punched him softly in his arm and chuckled.

“Take it as you may like it” he grinned.

“Well, are you not packing your stuff and leaving for the Christmas holidays?” she asked musingly.

Her question again brought a blank and cold expression on his face.

“No, I don’t have any family or place to go and celebrate with”, he voice grew more serious.

Jaden suddenly remembered Voldemort was an orphan, he didn’t have a family, and he lived in an orphanage….

“Oh, I’m sorry Tom. I didn’t mean to” her voice cracked.

“No need to be sorry or sympathetic, having friends and family only weakens you”, he growled.

“But Tom, the love of our family and friends is the biggest strength in our life” she cut through his statement.

“Love! Love is only a symbol of weakness, love is just a useless emotion, a wastage of time, and love only leads to failure and defeat”, his voice getting colder.

“I don’t understand, why you are so furious whenever I talk about family or love, or friends?” she asked with a tone of confusion.

“Coz they mean nothing to me, because I don’t have emotions, because I can’t lo…” he abruptly stopped midway.

“What? What you can’t Tom?” she asked again with her curiosity increasing.

“I don’t want to talk about this and waste my time”, his voice was hard as a stone.

“If you don’t have emotions, then why do you call me your friend?” she interrogated calmly.

“Because you-…” he paused.

Jaden simply raised her eyebrows and after a long moment of silence Tom finally spoke,

“Listen Jaden, I don’t know how you people define Love, Friendship or Family coz I never experienced any sort of that feeling. You are the only person to me, with whom I can share things and like to spend some of my time…Not all of my time, but only some of time……you are quite intelligent and not a full time waste, also you insisted me to be friends, which no one ever did. So I thought, I can spend time with and can tolerate your nuisance up to some extent. So, in my language and in my understanding you are my friend. If that’s not a proper definition of friendship I don’t care. But don’t think of yourself as someone who is so special in my life or anything else. But yeah, I’ve never tolerated anyone’s idiotic or sarcastic behavior but yours. And, for you I can keep my ego aside. That’s all I can do as your friend. Don’t expect anything else Jaden, this is the most I’ve done or even spoken to someone ever in my life.” Tom explained a whole paragraph to Jaden so politely and calmly without any coldness for the very first time.

Jaden was dumbstruck at that moment, she didn’t know what she was actually feeling.

What should I say now? What am I feeling? Sad for being rejected as a friend or Happy for being the closest person to Tom?

“Okay” she finally answered.

Okay? What kind of answer is that…..she felt as a dumb for her silly reply.

“I- I mean, thank you”, she spoke abruptly and then again felt stupid for her words.

“Thank you? For what?” Jaden could see the confused look on Tom’s face.

“Ammmm, for…for actually thinking me as someone, I mean the only one, close to you”, she smiled looking at Tom.

Tom looked deeply into her dark orbs and this time his look was not cold but tender. He didn’t utter a single word in response, just simply gave a nod with almost an unnoticeable smile. (Which Jaden actually noticed ;-) )

Jaden at last broke the silence between them,

“So, I’m happy to find someone who can accompany me in the empty corridors of Hogwarts during these Christmas holidays”, she said softly looking at Tom.

“Meaning? Are you not going to your place?” he asked widening his black orbs.

“No, I don’t have any place to go, in some ways we’re on the same boat….no family…no home…so I’ll be staying at Hogwarts. Although Charlus asked me for spending the vacations with his family, but I denied. I wanted some peaceful time here in Hogwarts. I thought, I’ll be alone but I’m glad to find out you’ll be here with me” her voice grew sad, which always did when she talked about her friends and family.

“Hmmm, I see. Well Ms. Cold Fire, don’t worry, we both will spend this Christmas together. Every year I spent my days mostly in the library reading books that’s it, but this year I think I can expect something more” he looked at her blushing face and slowly took one of her hands in his.

Jaden didn’t withdrew her hand but reciprocated the action by intertwining the fingers.

She looked at him and said,

“I never knew Tom, I never really knew that a sweeter side also existed in you. And I’m really liking this sweet side of yours”, her lips curled into a smile.

“Hold on Jaden, don’t judge me so fast, you can never predict my actions, I told you, never expect anything much from me or you’ll end up in disappointment. But, for now, yes, I want to be sweeter with you and I don’t know why” Tom gently whispered into her ears.

These words again dumb folded Jaden as she was totally perplexed what meaning should she take out of these words.

“C’mon, stop pondering upon my words and lets go, we are getting late for the lunch” Tom stood up and held out his hand for Jaden to hold.

She gently nodded and took his hand before they left the astronomy tower for lunch.

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