Chapter 31

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Jaden could feel Tom's hand gliding at her back, his hands were exploring each curve of her body. There was so much need and passion in his every touch. She tasted every bit of Tom with an urgency and a flaming desire. Their kiss became rougher with every moan. Tom slammed Jaden into the bed coarsely, without wasting a single second he was fumbling with the zip of Jaden's dress, and his other hand was sliding under the hem of her dress. She arched her back to give his hand space to unzip her dress. Tom had been craving Jaden for days and finally had her in his arms. He couldn't control himself more, the more she moaned with his every touch the more his mind thought of the darkest things he was willing to do with her at that moment. With a swift move, Tom glided down her dress and looked at her exposed skin. He was savoring all her curves, it didn't matter if they were uneven or imperfect, all that mattered at that moment was that the girl pinned under him was Jaden Pevensie and he'd anything to make her his, only his. Tom buried his face in the crook of her neck and kissed every inch of her skin. His kisses were not gentle, his tongue made its way to her collarbone in the roughest way possible. Jaden felt so desperate with each stroke at her neck. She closed her eyes to feel the heat between them but the moment she tried to drown herself in the burning passion between them she imagined a face out of nowhere, she saw the face of the blonde boy who loved her more than anything, Draco Malfoy. Suddenly a rush of guilt overpowered her, the guilt of making love with a person who was the murderer of her parent and she didn't know why but she felt that Tom wasn't the right person as with his every touch she was thinking of Draco Malfoy.

Her eyes snapped open and she pushed Tom away with all the power she had in her. Tom fell into the other side of the bed and he was astonished by her reaction.

"What the hell Jaden? I thought you wanted this"

"I....I am.. I don't know Tom. I am sorry. This just doesn't feel right. We can't do this."

She grabbed her dress and changed quickly without even looking at Tom.

Tom gently held her wrist and stopped her before leaving. He hugged her from behind slowly and whispered in her ears.

"I am sorry Jaden. I am sorry if I hurried you into this. I don't know how it happened. I couldn't control myself. I didn't mean to hurt you. But please just tell me what happened?" his voice was full of apology.

Jaden slowly turned around and looked into his eyes.

"Hey, Tom, look at me. You did nothing wrong. It's just we can't do this right now because I don't really know how I feel about you. And above all, I don't know how you feel about me, Tom. Tell me something, do you love me, Tom Riddle?"

Tom was taken aback by her question. He just looked into her eyes blankly as he didn't have an answer.

He slowly leaned in to kiss her but she placed her palm over his lips.

"No Tom, I am not so easy to win over. Kiss me the day when you know you love me".

Then without saying a single word, Jaden left his dorm.

Tom just stood there with a blank face staring at her imperfect beautiful figure leaving his dorm as she gently shut the door behind her.


Did I do something wrong? I never meant to hurt her. She's so fierce yet so gentle. I'd never harm you Jaden Pevensie. I don't know how but this feeling, the feeling to always feel you, maybe not physically but to know that you're here, is so urgent. Fuck! For the first time in my life, I can't differentiate between right and wrong. I am unable to focus on anything.

I have just now made my first Horcrux and what if she knows? What she's thinking of me? She already thinks that I am evil. Jaden, why I am suddenly concerned about what you think of me....Do I really love you? But that's impossible, how the hell can I love? Fuck, fuck, fuck....

A loud scream echoed in the dorm and Tom punched the mirror with all the force he had in him. A drop of blood trailed down his knuckle but his face was as blank as a piece of parchment.


Jaden came back to her dorm running and all her makeup was smudged with tears. She held her heels in one of her hands and looked at those heels gifted to her by Draco with teary eyes.


Why? Why the hell you're not leaving me Draco Malfoy?

She closed her eyes tightly to hold back her tears but a drop rolled down to her neck where moments ago Tom planted the most beautiful kiss she ever had.

What the hell I did do? I kissed the murderer of my parents. I kissed the monster who won't even flinch a moment to Avada Kedavra my brother. I failed, I failed....Her sobs grew heavier.

He made his Horcrux and what I did...I made out with him.


I couldn't even control the feelings inside me. What do I really want in my life? Once it's Draco then it's Tom and both of them aren't the right person.

What if I am not a good person? What if I am not a good daughter, not a good sister, not a good friend....I am good for nothing. These fucking feelings are ruining me.

She cried and cried until she collapsed thinking about right and wrong.

Sometimes knowing the difference between right and wrong is the most difficult thing to do because most of the time the perception of right and wrong is based on others' points of view rather than our own. Let's see what Jaden and Tom will be deciding for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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