Chapter 22

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"C'mon, let's get inside, it's getting cold here", spoke Jaden shivering.

She held his hand and ran inside the castle as they both stood against a wall panting.

"You're shivering Pevensie, come here, take this." Said Tom, taking out his coat and wrapping around her.

"Ooooooh, I see someone's getting so protective", taunted she.

"No, it's just I don't want you to catch cold as I'd hate you sneezing and sniffling around me from tomorrow."

"Oiiii, I don't make irritating sounds when I sneeze"

"So, you mean to say you have world's most melodious sneeze, right?" Tom could feel his lips curving upwards in a smile.

"" Jaden punched her softly on his chest and burst into a laughter.

"You really look good Tom when you're happy, I just wish you wear this smile more often"

Tom stared into her dark eyes softly.

"Then I need you to be around me......more often", Tom whispered slowly against her ears.

Jaden stiffed slightly as his lips grazed against her soft earlobes.

"Don't tell me Tom Riddle you're flirting with me", she smirked.

"Think whatever you like Pevensie, you're impossible", he laughed and nodded his slightly.

"So, tell me Tom. Have you ever loved anyone? Any girlfriends before?" she asked abruptly.

"What?", he questioned with a surprised look.

Why is he looking at me like this? Have I missed any information about Tom Riddle? Is there something I should have known beforehand but I don't? She thought.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm just curious about you Tom. Tell me, have you ever loved before?" she asked wide eyed.

"No, I can't", his expressions turned cold.

"B-but, why?"

"Because...because, don't you know I was conceived under a love potion Jaden, children who are born like that can't love"

Jaden's heart sunk deeply listening to his words.

"I..I'm- emm, I am so-"

"No need to be sorry Pevensie, I'm happy that I can't love because love is just a weakness"

"But Tom you're saying this only because maybe you haven't met someone before who made you feel that you wanted to love."

Tom raised his brows and looked at Jaden pondering  a little upon her words.

"Maybe" he shrugged then continued, "but I'm starting to think that this situation has changed lately", he said without taking off his eyes from Jaden.

"What do you mean? Have you ever met a girl who made you on the verge of falling in love?" she asked curiously.

Tom looked into her dark eyes silently before saying, " I'm not sure. And it doesn't matter because I don't know what is love."

Jaden was dumbstruck maybe she was expecting a different answer from him, maybe she was expecting her name on his lips.

"Forget it", she replied plainly.

Tom couldn't stop noticing her changing expressions with his every reply, he could easily notice her expressions getting blanker as his opinion on unable to love was getting stiffer.

" say Pevensie, have you ever loved anyone before?" he asked just to ease the situation.

His words made Jaden fall back into nostalgia.

*The night of the Christmas ball in 5th year*

(Song- playing in background)

If you are the desert, I'll be the sea.

If you ever hunger, hunger for me.

Whatever you ask for, that's what I'll be.

So, when you remember the ones who have lied.

Said that they care but they left as you cried.

Beautiful darling, don't think I'll be

Because I'd lie If I'd wanted.

Jaden was wrapped in Draco's arm, her head resting on his chest as he stood against a wall staring at the falling snow outside.

"I love you Jaden", Draco whispered softly, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Are you sure Draco? You know I'm a Potter, will the Malfoy's accept your choice?" she asked with a heavy heart.

"Look at me Jaden, I don't know anything except that I love you so much, if my parents won't agree then we'll go to somewhere far...far away where no one could find us, we'll get married, have two little versions of Jaden and Draco Malfoy and-"

"Okay, okay, stop it. I don't want to dream too big only to know that they are going to get crushed", she almost sobbed.

Draco cupped her face in his hands and lifted it up.

"Do you love me Jaden? Just tell me what your heart feels?"

Her memories faded as she came back to her present looking at the pale face of Tom Riddle standing in front of her staring blankly.

"I, emm, I did like a boy but we never had anything between us, I guess it was just a crush", her expressions were not convincing which Tom noticed of course.

"Do you still like him?" he asked curiously.

"No, I don't, and does it bother you Tom if I like someone or not?" she asked coldly.

"Of course, it does, I don't know why but it does" he answered as he took a step closer to Jaden.

"You know what Jaden I never allow anyone to take anything from me which is mine" he whispered against her ears.

"So, are you saying that now I'm in your possession, I'm not your personal property Tom?" she raised her eyes looking at a glaring Tom, whose glare was full of desire, desire for Jaden Pevensie.

He held her by her arms and came closer only to be inches apart from her face,

No, you're not. But I can't supress this desire in me to hold you in my arms and feel every inch of your skin against mine.

Jaden looked at Tom with a baffled expression as only for few seconds she was inside his head.

"How did you do this Jaden Pevensie? How could you enter inside my head, no one could ever dare to do that and it's impossible to penetrate my head Pevensie, tell me how you did this?" he spat with rage growing in his eyes, his hold got stronger around her arms.

"Stop it Tom, you're hurting me, I didn't try to enter your head, it just happened I don't know how, it felt that as if you yourself let me inside your head." She withered inside his hold.

"No, I never did that, tell me, tell me what you saw? Just tell me Pevensie? He asked digging his nails deep in her skin.

"Ahhhhhhh.....Tom Riddle stayyyy awaaayyyy from meeeeee", she shrieked and all of a sudden Tom was blown meters away and fell in the ground. She used a nonverbal spell on him.

"Mmm.. ahhh, you know to use a non verbal spell where did you learn that, you're not what you say to be Jaden Pevensie, you are hiding something from me." Tom fulminated in agony.

"I don't think you deserve to know anything about me Riddle, because your thoughts and your actions are all messes up, even if your thoughts want you to be a better person, you always let your anger consume you into a monster. I somewhere started developing a soft spot for you, but what you did today is unforgivable. Don't you dare come near to me" she admonished and left with her eyes brimming with tears.

I can never understand Tom Riddle, but how? How I can enter inside his head without even knowing?

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