Chapter 24

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Last night Jaden skipped her dinner and all she did was sleep.

Jaden rushed back to her room fuming in anger. Her eyes were brimming with tears after witnessing such a rude behavior of Tom. She jumped onto her bed, digging her face into the pillow and wept till all her tears went dry. It was not just she was hurt by Tom but all her frustration and loneliness all came at once. She was missing her brother, friends, and she didn't know why but she was also missing that one person with whom things were left unclear and unsaid, Draco Malfoy. 

What on earth I was thinking of Tom Riddle? That he will show some respect, some love to me? Once an evil always an evil, people say it right. Tom Riddle can not change. He is just a selfish, arrogant and egoistic bastard. At once he is possessive and the next moment he is a moron who feels like I'm his personal property. Sometimes his possessiveness reminds me of Draco.

"I love you Jaden Pevensie, do you love me?"

Sometimes sleeping is the best escape from the reality. Next morning she woke up too early around 5 o'clock. She twisted slightly on her bed and gave out a long yawn. Suddenly she could feel weird noises coming out from her tummy.

God! I am hungry like hell, c'mon Jaden why did you skip your dinner? 

She let out a moan in hunger and got her feet off of the bed on the ground. 

Let's see how much time is left for the breakfast.

She checked the time and felt herself drowning in hunger as she realized there are still nearly 3 hours left for the breakfast.

What am I gonna do for the next 3 hours????

She dragged herself towards the bathroom, rubbing her eyes, and looked her reflection in the mirror. She noticed the light stains of tears on her cheeks, the dark circles under her eyes and the swollen eyelids, her messy locks of hairs and paleness all over her face. She gently stretched her neck and splashed some cold water on her eyes to get rid of the morning fatigue. She tried to fix her entangled hairs and put them in a tight bun. After brushing her teeth lazily she stripped her night gown and stepped under the shower. The hot water ran down over her bare shoulders wetting her long wavy hairs. She simply closed her eyes and turned her head upwards, running her little fingers over her hairs to make her hairs fall free from the bun, so that the water droplets were splashing right over her face. While taking in the warmth of the shower her mind wandered amidst a bunch of thoughts.

Tom Riddle can not love? But why? Oh yes, how can I forget that he was a result of love potion. But if he can not love then how am I supposed to change his heart? Of course I can be his friend, but......

But what Jaden Pevensie? What were you thinking? To make him fall for you? But then what? Do you actually love him? He is a monster, a selfish brat, whose feelings can not be changed. Just do your job, try to get closer to him as much as you can, gather more and more information about him and leave him. JUST LEAVE THIS PLACE FULL OF BULLSHIT!!

She suddenly snapped out of her thoughts and opened her eyes. She turned off the shower and draped her bathing robe around her. 

Yeah, just sort out things with Tom Riddle, know what he is up to, get closer to him, know his secret and leave. This place is not my home. This is not my Hogwarts. The upcoming Christmas ball is the best opportunity to take him in confidence. C'mon Jaden don't let your emotions overpower your determination.

Thinking this she stepped out of the bathroom and quickly changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white ruffled pullover with a denim jacket. She held her hairs into a messy bun, grabbed her wand and left her room.

She checked her watch and it was just 6 o'clock. Still 2 hours remaining for breakfast. She couldn't find any student this early in the morning roaming in the corridor. So with all the hunger churning her tummy and the loneliness she was feeling this morning, she lead her way to the basement in the Kitchens. Well, she was really good in handling a elf like Kreacher so dealing the other cute elves won't be a problem. She tiptoed towards the kitchen but al of a sudden she bumped into a blonde figure who was Draco's look alike, Abraxas Malfoy.

"Watch where you're going Pevensie." Said Malfoy sternly.

"Excuse me? I think you should be the one watching your way, I was already walking too slow. And you know what I am in no mood of arguing to a Slytherin and that too a Malfoy. Alright? I have a bunch of cat and mouse playing rat race in my stomach so don't bother me right now. Do you understand?" She spoke everything in a hurry, in one breath.

"What?" Abraxas couldn't hide his baffled expressions.

"Nothing, And why didn't you go for your Christmas holidays, I mean Malfoys can't miss their prestigious Christmas party. Won't they?"

"Excuse me, do you have any problems with Malfoys?"

"Ahhh- No, why would I, now leave my way" she pushed him slightly and went towards the kitchens.

"Watch out Jaden Pevensie, I have a secret of yours. Something precious.", called out Abraxas with a slightly raised voice.

She stopped suddenly in her way and looked over her shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"You'll know, very soon", speaking this he went away.

What he might be talking about? May be he is just bluffing. Malfoys have a habit of bluffing, bluffing about friendship, about love, about everything.

Jaden was slightly tensed what if Abraxas really knew about something? She entered the kitchen with a tensed face but all her tension converted into a mix of surprise and hatred, and the mouse chase in her stomach converted into a butterfly chase, when she saw the face of the evilest but the most handsome person, Tom Riddle.

"Hey you, what are you doing here? Huh? I mean really, are you following me? Just tell me the truth what actually do you want from me? Should I really leave you alone? Or, do you actually need me by your side? Because your actions and your words have a striking contrast between them. You know what Tom, my whole night got ruined just because of you, I cannot pull you away from my thought. Why are doing this to me Tom? I never want to hurt you but you are still hurting me every time I put my faith in you." After letting her heart out, Jaden felt a load has been lifted over from her heart. She panting, heavily.

"Well, I am eating. And I am not following you. And I guess you're hungry" he replied calmly.

"What? I asked some questions from you that why are you doing this to me?" her eyes widened in disbelief that how calm Tom was.

"We will talk about it later but first eat something"

"And what makes you think that I am hungry?" she raised her eyebrow.

"So, what makes you walk over to the kitchen at this early in the morning" he smirked.

"Because I am hun-" she stopped. "I don't want to talk to you." she yelled at her and moved towards the cupboard.

"What are you doing?" he asked looking at her petite and chubby figure reaching for the jar placed at the uppermost shelves.

"Stop staring at my ass Tom. If you can't help then shut your damn mouth". She replied with her voice cracking as she was stretching herself hard to reach out for the flour jar.

"Then let me help you", Tom grabbed her from her waist and lifted her slightly so that se can reach for the jar.

"Whoaaaaaa, whoaaa, what are doing Tom?" she screamed as she suddenly felt legs dangling in air.

"Helping you out, c'mon stop kicking your legs in air, take that jar and stop being dramatic"

She quickly reached for the jar. "Okay, now put me down."

What's the matter with this boy!!!

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