Chapter 16

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Chapter 16~

Jaden woke up the morning with a bustling noise in the girl’s dorm. She rubbed her eyes lazily and got up from her bed, looking for the reason of so much noise.

It’s Sunday today, no classes, nothing special…why everyone’s making so much of noise…..Oh yeah…the Christmas holidays are going to begin maybe that’s why…..

Thinking this she stepped down to the common room, and found all the worried faces sitting in the there. She heard a group of girls chatting in low voices.

“Oh dear, she was such a lovely girl”

“I don’t know who did this to her”

“Now onwards, I’m not gonna go to the toilet alone anymore, it’s such a horrible place”

“I don’t wanna die…….”

What these girls are talking about, what has happed to whom and when…..where’s Agatha…..

Jaden swiftly searched for Agatha in the common room, and found her in the corner of the room sitting quietly with Charlus, she quickly reached out for them.

“Morning guys, what’s this all about?”, asked Jaden in a shrill tone.

“Morning Jady, we were waiting for you only, come, sit down”, replied Charlus patiently.

Jaden took a seat between them, “Now, please tell me, what the matter is?”

“Well, there’s been a murder in the girl’s bathroom”, sighed Agatha.

“What? Muder….what nonsense you are talking about”, shrieked Jaden in a shock.

“Hey, hey just calm down”, said Charlus.

“But who died? And how…and when?”, panicked Jaden.

“Myrtle, she was a Ravenclaw, last night she was in the bathroom, and didn’t return to her dorm, in the morning someone found her dead body in there”, answered Agatha in a grim voice.

Jaden immediately recognized the Chamber of secret has been opened, Tom accomplished in one of his evil deeds.

“Hey Jaden, what are you thinking”, asked Charlus.

“Umm..mmm nothing, just thinking who would have done this to her, who’s the culprit”, mused Jaden.

I need to go and find Tom Riddle, I need to stop him before he resumes his killing spree.

“Guys, I have to submit an assignment of Herbology before the Christmas holidays begin, will meet you guys during the lunch”, continued Jaden rushing back to her dorm for quickly getting ready.

“Yeah, yeah alright, see you then”, Charlus and Agatha waved at her.

“Hey Charl, did you notice, she’s behaving somewhat weird”, asserted Agatha, rubbing her chin with her pinky.

“Weird? In the sense?” Charlus raised his eyebrows at her.

“I mean, as if she’s lost somewhere, or hiding something”, answered she.

“I….I don’t, dunno” shrugged Charlus.

“Right now, I’m just trying to ponder upon the murder of Myrtle”, he continued.

“Fine, let’s get going to the Great Hall, I’m hungry after today’s morning chaos”, stated Agatha.

“Yeah, les go”, and they left the common room.

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