Chapter 20

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Jaden and Tom parted their ways upon entering the dining hall. She made her way towards the gryffindor table and looked for Charlus and Agatha.

"Hey Jadyy...over here", Agatha waved at her.

"I think I saw her entering with Tom Riddle", whispered Charlus to Agatha.

"Well I don't care, even if she's with Riddle, I trust my bestie, she'll get along with every problem on her own.", chuckled Agatha.

"Hey guys, I hope I didn't miss anything interesting", said Jaden taking her seat beside Charlus.

"Of course not, but may I ask where were you? I've been searching for you in the library.", he raised his brow.

"Am, mmm well I went to the astronomy tower to gather some info about the murder of Myrtle." she replied coldly.

"For christ sake Jaden, stop getting yourself into these kind of matters. You dunno about the dark secrets hidden in Hogwarts. I mean if it's got anything to do with dark magic then it's consequences could be fatal,", warned Charlus.

"Stop treating me like a child Charlus, I know how to take care of myself, and there is no need to be worried about me hanging out with Tom. I mean, look at him, he just needs someone to understand him. I know he's kinda scary and mysterious but he can never put me into harm...............says my heart." flipped Jaden.

"Jaden, are you out of your mind, first of all I never asked anything about you two guys and you just explained yourself out of nowhere, that just means you're hiding something from me. And secondly, Tom Riddle is nothing more than a bastard, so better stay away from him coz I wont feel so glad making you choose between Tom and myself." snarled Charlus. 

"Guys calm down, there is no need to disturb your mind on a topic called 'TOM RIDDLE', I mean he is not so important for us." muttered Agatha.

"Try to explain this to your best friend. I think I'm done with my lunch, got to go for some work before leaving for the holidays. See you guys later", stood up Charlus from the table.

"You know what Charlus, I don't want to see you. Talk to me the day when you feel that you can trust me, not only as person but trust me as a mature witch who can take her own decisions. Good bye." retorted Jaden.

Charlus left the Great Hall without uttering a single word.

"Hey Jady, don't worry, I already told you once that Charlus is possessive for you and he jsut cares for you so much that's all. It's not like that he doesn't trust you.", said Agatha.

"I know, but he can't always be so bossy around me. I mean he has to trust me if he wants me to be an independent and strong witch.", dragged out Jaden.

"Well *sighs* , I hope you both will sort it out silently not violently. So Jady, I think I should leave now or I'm gonna miss the last carriage for the station. Take care my dear. See you after the holidays. Merry Christmas.", she hugged Jaden.

"Merry Christmas lovely, and don't forget to write"

"Of course, love you bestie", giggled Agatha and she left.

Jaden immersed herself onto her meals but couldn't stop to think about Charlus, and why not, he's the only family she's got here in Hogwarts.

Tom noticed the worried look at her face and their eyes locked. He couldn't resist but asked her with gestures, "Anything wrong?" he mouthed the words with raised eyebrows. She nodded softly and Tom could read her plum lips saying thank you with a simper.

She quickly finished her lunch and headed back towards her dorm. She lied down on her bed staring towards the ceiling of the room. Her mind wandered from the thoughts of Myrtle's death to the delicate moments she spent with Tom in the astronomy tower. Why I just can't stop thinking about him? I need to focus on my mission, I have to stop him making the hocruxes and according to the timeline he is to make the first hocrux after opening the chamber. I can't miss the oppurtunity to stop him. But how??

 She needed some fresh air to lay down a plan in her mind in order to stop him creating the first hocrux so she decided to spend some time at Hogsmeade. She put on a blue cardigan, black pair of jeans and a grey overcoat. She pulled up her hairs into a loose ponytail, put on her scarf and mittens and finally her black pair of boots. She was ready and left her room.

On her way in the corridor she heard some girls gossiping about the Christmas ball and about the ones they're going to ask.

A Christmas ball!! Yes, this can be an opportunity for me to spend some time alone with Tom and influence his thoughts. So should I ask Tom for the, no, no....I think I should wait for him to ask me. Jaden smirked at her thought.


Tom Riddle was wandering in the streets of Hogsmeade for his supplies for making the Hocrux. He came out of the Borgin & Burkes and finally after gathering everything he wanted, he headed back towards Hogwarts, on her way suddenly he bumped upon someone.

"Hey, Tom, what are you doing here?", asked Jaden with an amazed expression.

"Jaden, me?? I- I - mm, I was going to The Three Broomsticks", stammered Tom.

"That's cool, me too? I would love to some company. Would you?" said Jaden.

"No-N.. I mean yes, why not" he replied thinking why the hell I said yes to her????

"Lovely, so c'mon let's go"

They both ordered two butterbeers and discussed about the History of Hogwarts and other magic schools.

"Tom, you've got some..mmm..butter over your lip." murmured Jaden pointing her finger over his lip.

"Oh!! ok..amm..." he felt quite embarassed.

"If you don't mind, may I?" she took out her handkerchief and Tom nodded in affirmation.

She slowly and gently wiped off the butter over his lip. Tom found himself again losing him into her dark orbs. She could feel Tom leaning towards her. Her heartbeats were rising slowly and the taint of red color on her cheeks was enough to express the tides of feelings wetting up her heart. She somehow overpowered her feelings and stood up hastily. 

"Tom, I think we should move back towards the school. I just now recalled, I have some extra work to do with potions."

"Ye- yeah, sure. If you want some help let me know."


They reached at the courtyard of Hogwarts without uttering a single word to each other. Somewhere Jaden and Tom wanted to spend some more time with each other and of course she wanted him to ask her out for the ball. Thinking of the ball an idea came up with Jaden. She stopped, bent down to make a snow ball and hit Tom so hard on his back. Tom was totally perplexed at her childish action, his face turned red, God knows it it was out of anger or embarrassment but Jaden found it cute and couldn't stop grinning.

" Stop it Jaden, I am not finding it funny", snapped Tom. Her smile disappeared.

"Until.......", Tom continued and took a snow ball in his hand, "I get the chance to make it equal", he smirked and threw it on Jaden's face.

"Oooouuuchhh", Jaden screamed and hit Tom but this time she missed.

They both began a trail of hitting each other and missing the targets. It was real fun as they forgot all their problems and became a child again. This was the first time Tom was really enjoying the moment. After a long time or may be the first time Tom was actually laughing his heart out.

"Hey, Mr. Soft Stone, look at me", Jaden this time hit him directly on his face.

"What the-....don't you think I'm gonna leave you Ms. Cold fire", Tom ran behind Jaden and grabbed her from her small back. Suddenly their leg slipped and they fell on top of each other. Their non stop laugh came to an abrupt pause when they realized that Jaden was pressed under Tom on the floor. A daze of silence enveloped them and they both just immersed their souls in each others eyes. It felt as if the whole Hogwarts came into a pause, the snow fall felt as if filled with the essence of amour. Tom held her tightly and moved aside her the thick locks of hairs from her face gently. Their faces were just inches apart. She slipped her hand into his hairs which made him to lean closer to her face. Jaden felt a surge of blood in her veins as theirs noses touched. Tom got closer to fill the distance between their lips and........................

Guys what do you think, should this gonna be their first kiss??? Comment your views please. See you all in the next chapter. ;-))

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