Chapter 10

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Chapter 10~

Tom stormed off directly to the Slytherin common room. Jaden still stood beside the tree having a recap of all the events happened today in a row.

I started thinking that may be Riddle is different from Voldemort, but he proved me wrong, I don’t think I can stop him, it’s easy to pretend that I am not afraid but actually I am…I am really scared.

Everything was going so peacefully in my life, I finally had my brother beside me, I had my friends who are so supportive to me, wonderful teachers, also a boy on whom I had a crush *sighed*, so altogether I was living an ideal life of a teenager, but…..all of a sudden every smile, every happiness, everything came to a halt..and now I am here..struggling with my own emotions, entangled between the past and future…trying to change an evil………….Oh Harry….I need you…please…I need you….

A tear rolled down her eyes.

She noticed a blonde boy noticing her from a distance, he was tall, pale and…..

He looks like Draco, who is he actually, and why he is staring at me….

Jaden took a step towards the boy and he left.


Slytherin common room~

“Hey, Tom what are you doing in the common room at this time, I thought you’d be there for extra potions with Slughorn”, asked Abraxas entering the common room.

Tom was in the mood of talking or sharing his concerns with anyone. His blood was boiling with rage at that time. He slowly replied, “ Jaden Pevensie”.

“Oh, Merlin, I can’t believe this Tom, don’t tell me you have fallen for the girl, no doubt she’s a badass..”

“Shut your fucking mouth Malfoy, don’t forget you are talking to the Dark Lord, don’t cross the limits otherwise I am not going to spare even an inch of you, I will not hesitate a second to present you as the first feast to the Basilisk”, growled Tom, pulling out his wand and pointing it towards Malfoy, after a long pause he continued,

“The love and infatuation stuff is useless for me, I don’t have time for this nonsense, you know it Malfoy. This girl is just getting on my nerves and I don’t want any kind of distraction between me and my target.”

Malfoy was shuddering with fear, “My lord, if you want I’ll take care of the girl, you don’t need to worry about anything else”

“No Abraxas, I want to see fear in the eyes of that girl, and the fear can only be developed when the Dark Lord himself will reward her with punishment of her unforgivable deeds”, hissed Tom.


Gryffindor girl’s dorm~

Jaden was alone in the dorm, she decided not to attend the classes as she already so much tired of the happenings, also she didn’t want to face Charlus and Agatha with the scars in her cheeks, given by Tom Riddle. She changed her uniform and put on just a buttoned down white shirt reaching below her upper thighs.

The room was empty and she was lying still on her bed. Suddenly she held the creek of the door opening, the room was quite dark, she saw the silhouette of a masculine tall figure entering the room. She immediately looked for her wand but realized that it was in her uniform robe kept inside the wooden cupboard beside her bed.

Merlin’s beard, who the hell is this…..a boy in girls dorm? And that too in my room?...Ahatha’s boyfriend Derry? No no…he is shorter…so may be….God!!!! I don’t want to be in trouble again, please give me some rest…..

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