Chapter 30

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Abraxas and Jaden sat silently outside the corridor, gazing at the night sky.
"Jaden" he spoke in a hushed voice.

"Yes? Abraxas", she looked at him with an unnoticeable smile.

"You're a good person", his voice didn't have that arrogance of Malfoys, it was calm and peaceful.

"You think?" she raised her eyebrows slightly at him.

"Yeah, but still I have my doubts about you."

"Doubts? What kind of doubts?" she gave him a confused look.

"You see Jaden, I found something, something which's yours and any student in Hogwarts shouldn't have that thing."
"What thing? I don't remember anything like that in my possession." her breathing was accelerating with every word Abraxas uttered. She tried very hard to think of anything which slipped from her belonging but there was nothing that could cause any suspicion.
"Well, I don't think it's the right time to ask you questions about that. After tonight, I believe that you're a good person Jaden but that has created a lot of suspicion in my mind about you, and until I clear that doubt I can not tell you anything."
"I- I...I don't know what you're talking about Abraxas." she stammered.

"Of course you know, it's just that you don't remember right now" he looked into her dark mysterious eyes trying to find some answers.

She didn't remember anything which could bring suspicion around her, all she knew at that time was to break the silence between them and change that topic before a simple conversation could turn into a nightmare.

"Well, tonight was full of surprises for me. At first, your friend Riddle ruined my day, and then this suspicion of yours. Speaking of Tom, where is he by the way?" she somehow changed the topic but that was a valid question.

"Tom? He's just busy." his voice suddenly turned cold.

"What do you mean y busy and why is he ignoring me?" Her voice level was increasing.

"He isn't ignoring you Pevensie, he just needs some time alone."

"But I want to meet him."

"No!" he snapped suddenly. Jaden shook slightly as his words echoed violently in that empty corridor.

"You don't have any say in this Abraxas, I deserve to know why he did that to me. At first, he gives me hope that he likes me, then he breaks me by saying he already has a date and then he lies to me, and finally, he sends you to make me feel that he cares for me. Don't you see Abraxas, he's playing with my feelings. YOUR FRIEND TOM RIDDLE IS MAKING MY LIFE A LIVING HELL!." she almost shouted and was panting in anger.

"Calm down Jadenlly understand why you want to meet him but now isn't the right time"

"And why is that?"

"Because.....because I am saying so" Abraxas was getting anxious.

She can't meet him right now, Tom is busy with his first hocrux. She can't find that out. Thought Abraxas.

"Is he hiding something from me Abraxas? Are you hiding something from me?"
"No, I am not" he replied bluntly.

Jaden was getting suspicious, she tried to think harder about what he could have been hiding from her. Suddenly she remembered the memory, the memory of Tom and Slughorn which Dumbledore showed her the night before she arrived in the past.

What if....he's trying to create the first Horcrux? No, no, no I can't let this happen. I can't fail Dumbledore, I need to stop him.

"Abraxas, hey, please. Please let me go and meet him. I beg you Abraxas. It's really important to have this conversation with him" her eyes were brimming with water.

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