The avatar returns

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements , could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

(Y/N)'s POV

I run to the village to see Aang and Katara walking back, too. "I knew it, you signaled the fire nation with that flare. You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?" He pointed at Aang. "Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident." Not safe. I'm not safe yet. Not here, not in Omashu, not in Gaoling... well I still stayed, but now I can't go there. Where's my home? Back in Gaoling? Burnt to crisp. But... that was barely my house, after everyone died there, after I was tortured there... my home, I'm forbidden to be even in the city of my home.

Guess I'll try with the North Pole tribe. "-Aang is taking me to the North Pole." "I am? Great." "Katara, would you really choose him over your tribe? Your own family?" I 'slither' up on Appa and ruffle his fur. I feel it start moving after I zoned out. "Hi, Aang. Is Katara not coming?" "No." "So... can I come with you?" "Sure." I fall asleep along with Tsimu.

I wake up to see Aang gone. "Where the hell did he go? Tsimu, go look." I see Tsimu curled up on Appa's head. "Haven't had a warm place recently, have we? I'm sorry Tsimu. You can sleep for now." I smile at him. 'You should smile more, snakey.' 'You're not one to smile much yourself.' 'I have my reasons.' 'I know, and I have mine.' 'What could it be? You get to be free.' She slid her finger across my scars. 'Your smile is cute, badgermole. Smile for me more.'  I make a snake with water and make it slither onto her shoulders. She giggles as I hug her and press my mouth against her forehead. I smile against it. 'Leave, or I'll make sure everyone knows your secret. Even her, and she'll hate you.' I'm sorry, badgermole. I see a snake swimming at a small river. It comes closer to me and slides up to my shoulders. I was only eight years old. It's not fair I had to leave.

I pat Tsimu's head. "I'm glad I found you, buddy." I get Appa moving and find Katara and Sokka. "Appa! And snake guy!" "You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't you?" They get on Appa as he floats on the water. "Still not flying, huh, buddy?" "Go. Fly. Soar." "Please, Appa. We need your help, Aang needs your help." "Come on, Appa, fly. Who's a cute flying bison?" I scratch its head. "He's not a dog." "Well at least I'm not trying to talk him into flying, besides, I work with snakes, I'd never even seen a flying bison." "Up. Ascend. Elevate." I hit him in the head. "Sokka doesn't believe you can fly. But I do, Appa. Come on, don't you wanna save Aang?" "What was it that that kid said? Yee haw, hup hup, wahoo. Uhh yip yip." Sokka shrugs as Appa grunts and starts flying. "You did it, Sokka!" "He's flying! Katara, he's... I mean, big deal, he's flying."

A big boat comes into view. Oh crap, the fire nation. Good time to get revenge, I guess. "Tsimu, wake up." We see Aang fall from the boat. "Aang, no! Aang! Aang! Aang!" Well damn it, just throw yourself from Appa for your little boyfriend, there. You're blowing up my ears. He comes out of the water with waterbending, and waterbends a circle, pushing all the guards, and the banished prince away. "Did you see what he just did?" "Yeah, Katara, we're not badgermoles." "Now, that was some waterbending!" "Aang! Are you okay?" She jumps off after we land and runs to a very weak and tired Aang. "Hey, Katara. Hey, Sokka. Thanks for coming." I go behind them and kneel down. "Hi, Aang." "Ah! Snake guy!" "I have a name, you guys." "I dropped my staff." "Got it!" Sokka runs for it as a hand grabs hold of the other end. He bangs the staff to the person's head. "Ha! That's from the water tribe!"

Some soldiers stand up and point their weapons to us. Katara tries to waterbend at them only for the water to splash onto Sokka. "Katara!" She tries again and it splashes at them freezing them as Sokka tries to unfreeze his feet. "Good." I say as I start bending some of the water and make it push them, the cold freezing them to the wall. "Hurry up, Sokka!" "Just a guy, with a boomerang. I didn't ask for all this flying and magic. Yip yip, yip yip!" We fly away and Aang airbends at some fire being shot at us.

"How did you do that? With the water? It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen." "I don't know. I just sort of, did it." "Why didn't you tell us you were the avatar?" "Because... I never wanted to be." Not much of a choice there, though. "But Aang, the world's been waiting for the avatar to return, and finally put an end to this war." "And how am I going to do that?" "According to legend, you need to first master water, earth and then fire, right?" "That's what the monks told me." "Well if we go to the North Pole, you can master waterbending." "We can learn it together!" "And Sokka, I'm sure you'll get to knock some firebender heads on the way." "I'd like that, I'd really like that. As for you, Snakey, I'm sure there mu-" I pull some water from the ocean and turn it into spikes of ice, pointing them at him. "Don't call me that. Anyways, I'm gonna stay there once we get there. Unlike you, I don't have a dead wish to fight the fire nation." "Then we're in this together. Also, don't point spikes at Sokka, snake guy." I huff and throw them back to the ocean. "But before I learn waterbending. We have some serious business to attend to, here, here, and here." He points at a map. "What's there?" Wastes of time. I ignore them along with Tsimu and fall asleep.

A badgermole and a snake (TophxM!reader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now