Bitter work

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

(Y/N)'s POV
I feel cold hit my body once badgermole wakes up and destroys the tent. "Good morning, earthbending student." I roll on the ground to her. I poke the back of her leg and look at her tiredly. She rebuilds the tent and I roll back inside. I wake up and walk tiredly and hear Katara say something about positive training or at least among the lines. "Thanks, Katara, a gentle nudge. I'll try that." I hug her from behind placing my head on her hair as she flinches. "Don't kill him, badgermole." "You scared me, idiot." "Sorry."

I go and hug her from behind, placing my chin in her shoulder. "Is he doing doing good?" She hums and nods. I watch tiredly as Toph is about to throw a rock at Aang. He jumps the rock as an angry badgermole runs to him. Aang takes off the belt covering his eyes. "I guess I just panicked. I don't know what to say." "There's nothing to say. You blew it! You had a perfect stance and perfect form, but when it came right down to it, you didn't have the guts!" She pushes him. "I know. I'm sorry." "Yeah, you are sorry! If you're not tough enough to stop the rock, then you can at least give it the pleasure of smushing you instead of jumping out of the way like a jelly-boned wimp!" Tsimu, wanna go hunt? He hisses at me. Alright, I'll ask her. "Do you have what it takes to face the rock like an earthbender?!" Aang looks down. "No, I don't think I do." "Aang, it's no big deal. You'll take a break and try earthbending again when you're ready. Besides you still have a lot of waterbending to work on, ok?" "Yeah, that sounds good." "Yeah, whatever. Go splashing around until you feel better."

I walk behind her and take hold of her hand letting Tsimu go from my arm onto hers. "We're going hunting for animals, Tsimu wanted you to come." She smiles. "And you?" "Of course, me, too." Tsimu wraps around both Toph's and I's wrist. I hold her hand and intertwine our fingers. "Stop trying to play Cupid, Tsimu." I see pink dusting her cheeks. I move my thumb to the front of her wrist and try to feel her heartbeat. I blush when I notice how it was speeding up. "Tsimu, a squirrel there." I whisper. I jump onto the tree and Tsimu slithers. I pull Toph to my chest when we land on the tree. The squirrel tries to run away only to be caught on Tsimu's teeth, and poisoned. He chomps it down. "Hey, aren't you gonna share?" Toph gives me a disgusted face. "It's a joke... obviously." "Oh look, Sokka." She jumps onto a rock. I follow behind her after Tsimu wraps around my hand.

I fall on her back. "I'm gonna sleep some more." "Mhm." I wake up after a while and see her gone. I groan and start looking for her. "Energy and heat... oh, she's messing with Aang. Can you go get her?" Tsimu slithers away. I feel some arms around my waist and something touch my chest. I open my eyes. "Oh, you're back." She nods. "Here." She lets Tsimu slither from her shoulder onto mine. "Good job, Tsimu. Did you like your squirrel?" It hisses. "I'm gonna go back to sleep, badgermole." She nods.

I feel someone move my head and put it on... something comfortable. I'm so tired of sleeping on rocks. I continue sleeping and shift slightly so I'm laying on my side. I suddenly feel what I'm supposing was Toph's lap move and drop my head on the rock. "Ow." I turn around and see her with her index points to Aang's chest. "You just stood your ground against a crazy beast, and even more impressive, you stood your ground against me. You've got some stuff. But- do it!" Aang gets in position. "Hyah!" He earthbends a rock. "You're an earthbender." "I can't believe it." I ignore Sokka, something I do often. After they finish talking I groan and bend some water to pull Toph back to me. "Badgermole, you just dropped my head on a rock." "Stop whining." "Tsimu, bite her." Tsimu curls up and rubs its head against her leg. "Traitor." I go back and fall asleep on the ground. She makes another tent and comes inside. "You didn't have dinner." "I'm sleepy." She chuckles. "Alright." She comes lay with me. I hug her and kiss her forehead. I stop bending and she hugs me back. "Rest well, Snakey."

A badgermole and a snake (TophxM!reader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now