The blind bandit

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

(Y/N)'s POV
I a cloth wrapped around my mouth. "Don't worry, it's been years. If he doesn't see my scars no on will know I'm here." I say and pat Tsimu's head. "It's pricey, but I really do like it." Says Sokka, looking at a green bag. "Then you should get it. You deserve something nice." "I do, don't I? But no, it's too expensive, I shouldn't." "All right, then don't." We start leaving. "You know what? I'm gonna get it." "Psst psst, hey, you kids like earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's earthbending academy." The man gives us a paper. "Look, there's a coupon on the back. The first lesson is free." "Who knows? This Master Yu could be the earthbending teacher we've been looking for." "Yeah I don't think so."

"Eh, he's not the one." "I think the boulder is gonna win back the belt at earth rumble 6." "He's gonna have to fight his way through the best earthbenders in the world to even get a shot at the champ." "Excuse me. But where is this earthbending tournament exactly?" "It's on the island of noneoya, none o' ya business." They laugh and run off. "Tsimu, bite them." Tsimu slithers, chasing behind them and comes back after he manages to bite them. "Good boy, gave them a big bite with your brand new teeth?" I scratch its chin. "Oh, I gotta remember that one." Says Sokka laughing. I kick him on the back. "I'll take care of this." Katara goes after them. "Hey strong guys, wait up." "What was I thinking? I don't need a new bag. Why'd you let me buy this?" Momo cuddles inside the bag.

Katara comes back. "You ready to find an earthbending teacher, because we're going to earth rumble 6." "How did you get them to tell you?" "A girl has her ways." She froze them, didn't she? I see Tsimu nod.

We go to Earth rumble 6. "Hey front row seats, I wonder why no one else is sitting here." A rock nearly crushes Sokka. "I guess that's why." "I'm just here to see if I find a powerful earth bender. Cause I bet ya' my future wife is definitely not a fire bender, and probably not water either." I close my eyes and ignore the noise. I hear an animal. "Look, Tsimu. A badgermole is helping clean, how cute."

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. The boulder versus your champion, The blind bandit." I feel some pink dust my cheeks when she shows up. She looks the same. I see Tsimu flicking his tongue at me. "Oh shut it, you too will one day want to get a snake and make a snakey family." It hisses. "Guys, I'm leaving now, I'm a bit tired. I'll be back with Appa." "All right." I go back with Appa and sit on a tree branch, meditating.

"I've gotta admit, now I'm really glad I bought this bag. It matches the bell perfectly." "So where did that belt come from?" "Aang defeated the blind bandit. He airbended at her." "Oh, that must've pissed her off." "If we wanna find the blind bandit, the earthbending academy is a great place to start." "You're gonna look for her?!" "Yeah!" "Oh no no no, I'm off again. Tell me when you find her." I leave. "I'm hungry, but I can't take this off." I get some food and ask for them to wrap it to go. I eat along with Tsimu on the branch of the tree and go back to meditating.

I'm getting sleepy. They finally come back. "Don't worry, we'll find you a teacher." "There are plenty of amazing earthbenders out there." "Not like her." I see someone get closer. "Toph, what are you doing here?" "My dad changed his mind. He said I was free to travel the world." "Well, we'd better get out of here before your dad changes his mind." "Good idea." "You're gonna be a great teacher, Toph." "So many lies I'm hearing, what an honest conversation." "Speaking of which, I want to show you something." He gets down from Appa. She immediately bends and sends him flying to a tree. "Hey, don't hit my tree!" "Um, I'll take the belt back." Sokka throws it, and it hits her head. "Ow!" "Sorry."

She stands back up. "So, what are we waiting for?" "Oh, let me introduce you. That's snake guy." "Where?" "You mean you can't see me? Am I finally better at this, badgermole?" "Huh?" "You don't remember me?" She walks closer to the tree as I slide so I'm hanging upside down. "I might just cry." I make my face into a sad one. "Why don't you turn it into a smile?" I say as I press my mouth against her forehead. She grabs hold of my face with both her hands and turns my head upside down as I get down from the tree to not hurt my neck." I smile against her forehead as she hugs me. "Snakey!" "Don't call him that he'l-" I hug her and kiss her forehead. She lets go and pulls my face closer to hers as I blush brightly. She slides her thumbs against the scars on my mouth. I bend water into a snake slide it across her arms then make it pick her up and place her on Appa's saddle. She giggled as I let Tsimu slide over my head. I get onto Appa and sit besides her.

"Hey, no favorites!" "Tell that to Aang who dreams about eating your sister's mouth." Tsimu wraps around her shoulder. "Snakey has a snake?" "That's Tsimu." She suddenly hides her face on my chest and hugs me, as Appa takes flight. I hug her and let her lay on my chest. "Your dad didn't let you come, did he?" I whisper on her ear as she shakes her head no. "My sweet badgermole disobeying her dad. I'm so proud." "Oooh, Toph, and snake guy sitting on a tree, k-I-s-s-i-n-g." "That's why your girlfriend turned into the moon." "I think Tsimu likes me." I watch it rub its head against hers. "I must have a talent with snakes." She says mocking me. "Come here, Snakey Snakey Snakey." She rubs her fingers until I bite them. "Snakes bite." "Mean." I sigh and look away.

I hug her and continuously kiss her head. "I'm sorry I left." She frowns and hums. "I was scared. I never told you what was going on with my life. My family got killed by fire nation. They tried killing me, too. It's stupid, but I got my mouth scars from biting a sword. They were gonna kill my baby brother. They had me tied up, so that's the only way I could stop the sword. I bit it, and tried to stop it. While that happened another soldier killed my brother. Since I had killed many of their soldiers, they didn't kill me, they were supposed to, but they took their time torturing me, slashing my skin with their swords. Look." I took her hand and took off the top part of my clothes as I slid her finger across the scars on the left side of my chest. "They wanted to take my heart out, and burn it. So one day I ran away, found Gaoling and decided to stay there. Then I met you. One day, your father found out about me. Threatened to tell everyone everything about my past, even you. He said you'd hate me if you found out. So I had to leave, and that's when I met Tsimu." I see her flushed red. ... fuck, she's laying on my bare chest.

Toph's POV
"B-badgermole, let me put my shirt back on." I blush brighter when I listen to his heart speed up. "You always had a slow heartbeat." "Eh?" "It sounds normal when it speeds up." He laughs nervously and puts back his shirt. "Well that's just how it's always been since I was younger." "Yeah, but now I can't feel it unless I touch you." "You helped me achieve that." "Yeah, it was fun, specially when we played hide and seek." I peck the scars on the sides of his mouth. "Get some sleep, badgermole." "Well then, keep your space. One meter away!" "What the hell?! You were the one to hug me first!" "I was not!" I hit him in the shoulder. "Come on Tsimu." Tsimu stays wrapped around my shoulder rubbing its head against mine. "Traitor, can't believe you like her better than me." It flicks its tongue at him. "I don't like her better than me! Just because we have a bond doesn't mean I always feel the same as you!" It flicks its tongue again. "No it's not precisely what it means!" I blush slightly.

(Y/N)'s POV
I walk to the other side of the saddle mumbling curses at Tsimu knowing he would hear me. "Stop cursing at your snake!" I grumble and lay down and close my eyes. Damn it, I can't sleep. I feel Tsimu slither to me. "Traitor." It nuzzles against my face. "You smell like her." That's when I feel some weight fall on my chest and my leg. "What the f-" I flush red when I notice Toph with her arms around my chest, and her leg on top of mine. "You always were a messy sleeper, badgermole." I smile as she snores. Cute. That's when I see Tsimu giving me a look. "What?" It hisses. 'You said you'd get a girlfriend if you wanted one.' "And I do not." It does it again as I flush bright red. 'So you don't want a girlfriend, you specifically want her as it.' "W-what? I wouldn't dare think of that." Another hiss. 'Don't you want a family?' "Of course I want a family, but they're dead." Hiss 'A new one.' "No, I can't become her family, nor have hers be mine." Hiss! 'Yes you can!' "Families are blood related!" I whisper shout. Hissssssss! 'To procreate!' "Oh... that's what you meant... I- well- if that was the case I wouldn't mind, if she wanted to..." Hiss. 'You do like her.' "Shut up."

A badgermole and a snake (TophxM!reader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now