The library

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Since none of you guys answered I ask my girlfriend to pick a number from 1-10 and decided for that to be how inappropriate it will be, and for either your good or bad luck, she chose 9. So like uhhh no lemons cause they're like 12 and 13. But maybe lime and not yet cause we're barely at the start

Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

(Y/N)'s POV
I walk besides Toph, with Tsimu slithering besides me. "What's out here?" She places her hand on the floor. "A lot, actually. There's hundreds of little-" "Shh! I know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise. Just watch." He plays the flute and an animal comes out of a whole in the ground. Tsimu immediately climbs up to my head as I flinch and hold onto Toph's shoulder. I move and hide behind her. Tsimu hisses at the animals. Suddenly one of those animals comes from underneath me. I jump onto Toph's shoulder and hold onto her. "Hey, let go!" Another animal. I try to get even more away. Tsimu keeps hissing at the animals as Toph tries to push me off. "Ugh, get off! We did make plans. We're all picking mini-vacations." She tries to push my face away so I fall as I just hold onto her tighter. "There's no time for vacations." I bite Toph's hand once she accidentally pushes her fingers on my scars. "Sorry, but get off!" "Not until we get away from those!" "No! Get off!" I bend water onto the floor to make mud. "Hey! I can't see clear like that!" "Can we go now?" She huffs and walks onto Appa.

"Why are you so against those animals?" "I don't like animals that live below the ground. Tsimu neither." "Badgermoles live underneath the ground." I smile and place her head to rest on my chest. "I do love badgermoles..." I say as I hum. "But badgermoles and snakes don't go together." "Why not?" "Badgermoles are one of the little quantity of animals a snake won't dare fight, either they get killed by the badgermole or get bitten by other snakes for their stupidity. They say no one likes a snake." "I like snakes." "Snakes like you... Toph." "Hm?" "Do you think my scars make me looks bad?" "I don't think you look bad." I laugh. "You don't know how I look, that was a dumb question." "Yeah."

We go to some supposed Oasis in the middle of the desert. "Must have changed ownership since I was here." We look at the little chunk of ice. He laughs awkwardly. We walk in and a piece of wood falls just behind us. I see a girl trip and about to fall. I grab her by the wrist and help her stand upright. "Thank you." She turns to look at me, and her eyes widen. She runs off. Is there something on my face? Tsimu shakes its head. I touch all over my face until... "Oh." We go inside some.... Some.... Bar?" "One mango, please." The guy gets given the drink. "I don't see anything wrong with having one of those fruity beverages while we plan our strategy." He leaves to ask for a drink. I sit and wait for them. Aang crashes onto a guy who drops his drink on him. "No worries. I clean up easy." He airbends at himself. "Is that a snake? It's so pretty." I turn to see a girl staring at Tsimu. "Yes." She stares at me. "Cool! I love snakes!" I feel my heart beat quicker. "Yeah, snakes are really cool." "I like its eyes." Tsimu flicks its tongue at her. "Where are its teeth?" "They just fall off and grow back, it's weird." "So like a T-Rex?" "Yeah." "So cool!" She looks at my mouth. "So what's with the scars?" "I bit a sword." "That's weird, but they look cool." She moves her hand and about to touch them until I get pulled by Toph. "You seem mad." "I'm not mad." "But-" "Why are you talking to so many girls? Do you really need a girlfriend that much? Cause that's just straight out sad." "It was only two, and the first ran off when she saw my face. The second was just asking about Tsimu." "Then why was she touching your face?!" "Because of my scars, besides it's not like she magically fell in love in the two minutes I talked to her!" "Of course, she wouldn't fall in love with you even after years!" "What do you mean to say?" "Not with that face! Not even a blind girl would fall in love with you if you have those scars!" I push her hand away from my wrist. "And no one would fall in love with a blind girl! A short helpless blind girl!" "Well unlike you, I don't need a family cause I actually had one! So you can just leave and be all alone again! No one would care either way!" "I told you badgermoles and snakes don't go together." I push her and walk away.

"No, Tsimu. We won't go back this time. We went back because of her. She doesn't want us there." I go back to the bar place. "She's pretty. Is she your girlfriend?" "Heh? I wish, no." I blush when I realize what I said and cover my mouth. "No Tsimu. Stop saying that type of stuff." I blush as Tsimu starts teasing me about it. "The snake? You can understand it?" "Yes, and it's being very annoying." I glare at it, and it flicks its tongue at me. "Jerk." She laughs. "You should go back with her, at least if you want a chance to be with her." "She doesn't want me to go." "Oh I'm sure she does." I sigh. "Is there any way to get through the desert without walking?" "Uhhh, not that I know of. Well there's sandbenders." "Good enough."

I find a group of sandbenders. "Hi, I need to get through the desert, and you guys can do that." "And why would we help you?" "Simple." I take out an 'amulet' from my pocket, with a bright red crystal. "This was my mother's gave it to me before she died. Worth over a thousand golden coins, but it can save your asses if you ever encounter the fire nation. Just tell them that the last (L/N) came here." "Good enough." One of them takes it from me. Heat and energy. Ughhhh it's so hot there's heat everywhere. We reach around half the dessert. "I'm fine from here." I walk for quite a while until I see Toph laying on Appa. I run towards her. I hug her and place kisses all over her face. I see her face all red. "I'm sorry." I keep kissing her face and take her hands into mine. "I didn't mean it. You're not helpless, you are short though, but it doesn't matter if you're blind or not, you're so precious to me." I keep kissing her face. "Just leave where you came from." "But, badgermole..." "I said leave." I sigh and walk away. "Tsimu, let's go." Tsimu stays with Toph. I laugh as I feel tears fall from my face. "You really like her, huh? Don't worry, you can stay if she lets you." Tsimu flicks its tongue at Toph. "Sure, just don't lead him back." "Tsimu can help you see here, I know you can't see well on sand. Don't let him go hunt by itself." I walk off. Serpent's pass should be to that direction. Then I'll find shelter on Ba Sing Se.

I smile and use Tsimu as my eyes. "The library is sinking, and she's trying to hold it. Oh, sandbenders got Appa." I keep walking. "I'm hungry. Why didn't I think of bringing food? At least I have water."

A badgermole and a snake (TophxM!reader) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now