Three Champions or More?

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(Y/N) Pov

We didn't get a minutes rest, cause Fred and George came running through the door, yelling and cheering, everyone stopped to look at them, I was used to their enthusiastic personality, it would light a dark room, I'm curious to see what this is about since they were soo upset about not being able to participate in the Tournament.

Draco: I like those two. I would probably never say it to them but they're funny. When I had to pretend to hate them I would have to stop myself from laughing at the things they would come up with.

Alexei: I don't know them but I'm definitely liking their vibe. We would come up with some incredible pranks.

The twins came in our direction, effectively ignoring their younger brother and his friend. The three Durmstrang students seemed excited to meet our Hogwarts pranking duo, it seems like they like pranks as much as the red-haired twins.

Fred and George: Well, lads, we've done it!

(Y/N): Oh! So that's why you're so excited. You succeeded in making an Aging Potion.

Hermione: Well some but it's not going to work.

Fred: Oh, yeah?

George: And why is that, Granger?

Hermione: You see this? This is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself and even though I don't like the way he treats (Y/N) and Slytherin, I have to admit that he knows what he's doing.

Fred and George: So?

(Y/N): She means to say that he wouldn't be fooled by a dodge as dimwitted as an Aging Potion. I say go for it.

Draco: Go for it, if it doesn't work it doesn't work. What's the worst that could happen?

Dimitri: Who would think of an Aging Potion?

Ilya: We should all hang out. We could come up with some interesting stuff.

Fred: Oh? Are you hearing what I'm hearing, George?

George: Indeed I am, Fred. It seems like we just meet another couple of pranksters.

Fred: I'm Fred and he is George as you probably have caught on by now. I have a feeling we'll invent some awesome pranks that will turn McGonagall's hair white.

Alexei: For sure! I have so many ideas.

I couldn't help but snicker there was such a playful and enthusiastic mood in the air, the new group of pranksters smirked at each other before the twins carried back to their original matter.

George: That's why it's so brilliant, Hermione.

Fred: Because it is so pathetically dimwitted.

They got up from crouching down beside Hermione and shook the bottles in their hands, this will probably not end well but we all learn from our mistakes or mischief errors.

George: Ready, Fred?

Fred: Ready, George?

Both: Bottoms up.

They intertwined their arms and swallowed the content that was in the glass bottles, they jumped into the Age Line, everyone cheering them on, they walked around the Goblet, already singing victory.

Both: Ready?

After nodding they put their names in the Goblet, said object not showing any reaction to the names just put in it, the twins now thinking their mischief had worked along with everyone else in the room, I shared a look with Hermione right before the Blue Fire went haywire and it them right in the chest, throwing both of them across the room, I was going to check on them when the started getting up. Their hair was grey and they were now sporting long grey beards to match.

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