The Beach

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"You're a celestial spirit?!" Natsu cried after Lucy had summoned Loke into the guild the morning after. I couldn't stop laughing after I'd heard the fact.

"Man, and here I thought you were just being melodramatic! If you loved Lucy, you shoulda just said so!" I exclaim a I wipe a tear from my eye.

"No wonder your magic feels so weird," Natsu commented, scratching his head as Loke adjusts his glasses the hide the flush on his face.

"I gotta say, I'm surprised I never caught on to ya," Gray said.

"How come you're not a cow or a horse or a crab?" Natsu asked curiously. "You're just a dude."

"Virgo has a human form, too. It's not like we're all animals." Loke explains.

Natsu grunted irritably. "You say that, but I've seen her turn into a gorilla!"

"A big soft gorilla!" I correct him.

"She's not really a gorilla," Loke laughs.

"Loke here is actually a lion spirit," Lucy explains.

"Seriously?!" Natsu exclaims.

"A lion's like a grown-up cat, right?!" Happy and Ballad ask wildly.

"Yep, you got it." Loke nods.

"DON'T LIE TO HIM!" Lucy shouts.

Happy and Ballad collapse onto his shoulders, whining. "You're the coolest spirit ever!" They both coo.

"Shouldn't you be restin' up back in the Celestial World right now?" Gray asked.

"I'm doing a lot better than I was," Loke shrugs. "I just wanted to come say hi. Well, that and I couldn't wait to see Lucy again."

"He loooves you~" Happy and Ballad tease.

"Called it," I mention to Gray as I bump his elbow.

"Shut it!" Lucy hisses.

Loke literally sweeps her off her feet. "Excuse us, we need to have a little chat about our future together!" Loke explains as he walks off with her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PUT ME DOWN!" Lucy complains loudly.

"Aw, man, I wish I had a celestial spirit." Natsu complains.

"What kinda thing would it be?" I ask curiously.


"YA HOOO!" Happy cheered.

"I don't think that's how celestial spirits work," I laugh.

"That's right! You summon 'em when you need some lovin'!" Loke explains as he loops his arm around Lucy's shoulders.

"I think you better go back now," Lucy sighs. "You gotta be careful 'cause you're not up to full strength yet."

Loke shrugs her off. "I got you somethin'." He pulls out five tickets and hands them over. "Here you go."

"What're those?" Lucy asks.

"They're tickets to this awesome beach resort." Loke explains. "You did so much for me, it's the least I could do."

"A BEACH?!" Lucy shouts.

I gaze at it curiously. "I think I have a house here..." I comment as I tilt my head.

"WHAT?!" Gray and Natsu shout.

I tap the ticket. "Yeah, just along the beach side. I couldn't resist, it was really cute!" I laugh.

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