Future Beings

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The battle raged on between our group and the soldiers for quite a while. "Guild wizards--" A familiar voice cuts me out of slamming my heel against a soldier's back and into the ground. "I understand what compels you." I peer at Kama irritably. "But I must carry out my obligation to the court. For your crimes against the kingdom, I will be collecting your head."

"Give me a break, Kama!" I complain loudly.

"Terrain effect! Scorching wind zone!" I give a loud groan as Uosuke whips up a very hot, and I mean, very hot wind.

"Oh, yeah, you know I love to feel the heat!" Natsu grinned broadly. "I'm all fired up!"

"Yeah?" Uosuke hummed. Natsu lets loose a powerful roar attack. "Terrain Effect! Iceberg zone!"

"Aw man, what a pain in the butt!" Natsu complains.

"Pain for you, but lunch time for me!" I bark happily.

"Get him, Aria!" Natsu cheered.

His ice was disgusting and the fire in my belly destroyed the small amount I could eat. I'd need one of my ice diamonds to get back on track with my own magic. I had no choice but to use the fire magic inside of me. And even with Natsu's help, I was totally at a loss on how to get it stronger for the fight. "What's wrong? You look plum tuckered out!" Uosuke jeered as I wiped at my lip.

"Ya know, it doesn't really matter how I'm feelin'," I comment irritably. "And it doesn't matter how many of you jokers there are, either."

"Yeah, we're gonna get out of here! End of story!" Natsu barks. "You can keep gettin' in our way and slowing us down. But you are never gonna stop Fairy Tail!"

We keep fighting and fighting. And the fire in my belly just grows and grows. It's kind of refreshing now that my body is acclimating to the heat. Then the sudden onslaught of chill runs through me. Perhaps this will work in my favor. "I'm gettin' the hang of this fire of yours!" I exclaim as I hold up my burning fist.

"Mine?" Natsu snorts. "If you haven't noticed, sweetheart, my fire is all orange!"

And the sudden teasing. That'll work in my favor too. "Wonder how much longer I can hold out. This is getting kinda fun."

"How many of these guys are there?" Lucy wondered.

"Enough to wear us down if this keeps up," Wendy retorted.

"The exit can't be far," Natsu states. "We've gotta bust through, and fast!"

"Why don't we summon more spirits?" Happy asks. "Like the fluffy goat girl!"

"You kiddin' me? I can handle this many myself!" Natsu retorts. "Watch me go to work!"

I sigh lightly. "That's Natsu for ya." I mention. Ballad hummed in confusion. "A GREAT BIG GLORY HOG! SAVE SOME FOR ME, SALAMANDER!" I bellow as I start pounding down some soldiers.


"Do any of you know what time it is?!" Natsu shouts.

I fish out my pocket watch irritably, peering at it as I hold down a few soldiers with boot. "No clue! My watch broke! But it's gotta be night by now!" I shout loudly.

"The games should be over!" Happy commented. "Maybe we won and all of this will end too!"

"Course we won! Which means we can't be wastin' time here!" Natsu exclaimed. "Last I checked, we had a kingdom to save!"

"You got that right!" I bark. "Ice Dragon Blue Flame Fist!" I bellow as I slam my fist down onto a soldier. "Let's meet up with Master Makarov and the others! They need to know about the Eclipse before it's too late!"

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