A New Member

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"So, this is what its like to sail the seas without puking your brains out." Natsu sighed as I peered over the edge of the large ship.

"Aye, matey! Welcome to the good life!" Happy chirped.

Natsu began to cheer. "Look out vehicles! Natsu's gonna ride you hard!"

"Careful!" Wendy giggled. "The Troia spell doesn't last forever!"

It's as if she brought it on, because I slumped over the railing, my stomach turning and forcing itself up my throat. "Aria!" Gray exclaimed as he quickly grasped my waist as I nearly tumbled over.

"Cast that spell again!" Natsu whined. "Hurry!"

"I'm sorry, I can't!" Wendy explained. "It only works a couple of times."

"Guess it's back to barf bags," Gray laughed as I leaned against the wall, grasping my stomach tightly.

"Oh, go suck an egg--" I bark before I throw my head over the railing again to barf. "Someone stop this thing--"

As soon as we're off the ship, and back at Fairy Tail, it's like everything went back to normal-- plus the addition of some new friends.

"Long story short; Wendy and Carla are Fairy Tail's newest members, so you better treat them well." Erza explained.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all!" Wendy chirped happily.

"Adorable!" Wakaba cried.

"Look, there's another cat like Happy and Ballad!" Nab exclaimed.

"Bet your mom's real pretty!" Macao said.

"Back off, ya bunch of freaks--" I snap. "She's underage!"

Natsu began going into great detail about our fight with Cobra-- that he totally leeched off of me. "And the giant snake sprouted wings and started flying!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, now I know you're pulling my leg." Elfman retorted. "Snakes aren't manly enough to fly!"

"It did!" I shout back.

"Yeah! And Aria can sprout wings, too!" Natsu shouted.

"Are you dippin' in the rum, Natsu?" Elfman laughed. "Ballad carrying her around ain't exactly sprouting wings--"

"You wanna find out?!" I bark.

"All right everyone, listen up!" Makarov shouts. "Let's welcome our new members the only way Fairy Tail can! Now eat, drink, and make merry!"

"Yeah! Who wants to brawl!" Natsu shouted.

My fist slammed against his face. "Bring it, you fire eating glory hog!" I shout at him.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu shouted. The entire guild filled with fighting, eating, and loud chatter for what felt like days.


Just as I open my windows, a familiar face pops in, sending me backwards, screeching obscenities. "What's the big idea?!" I shout at Natsu as he laughs like a child who pulled the best prank. "I should freeze you to the sola tree!"

"Oh, quit with the threats, now c'mon, we're headin' out on a rumor about the dragons!" Natsu retorted.

"A rumor?" I ask, my brow quirked.

"Yeah, a dragon sighting. Some girl named Daphne spoke to the dragon." Natsu explained in a suddenly serious tone.

I hum softly and cross my arms over my chest. "And this is worth following up?"

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