Chapter Thirteen: I Just Can't

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This chapter focuses on Jesse and his personal life and I hope you guys enjoy! :)

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I looked at the clock that read 5:10pm. "I better get going." I mumbled. I've been at the hospital since noon, and I still haven't done the errands for Aunt Sasha.

Izzy frowned and gave me the puppy dog eyes. I tried to avoid it, as best as I can.

Like usual, I couldn't resist. "Fine! One more episode of Pokemon, and then I have to go."

She smiled in satisfaction and hit play on Netflix, from my laptop. I lied back down on the bed with her and got comfortable.


*5 episodes later*

"I wanna be the very best, that no one every was!" Izzy and I sang in unison. She was using a popsicle stick as a microphone, and I had a reflex-hammer I took from the drawer.

"To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause!"

I hopped up on the hospital bed next to Izzy's and she stood up on her's.

"I will travel across the land searching far and wide!"

I guess at some point, I got really into the song and I didn't even notice, that Izzy stopped singing along.

"IT'S YOU AND ME! I KNOW IT'S MY DESTINY! -." I stopped and looked at Izzy, who sat back down on the bed. "Why did you stop singing?"

She bursted with giggles and cover her face. "What?" I chuckled, in confusion.

"I think she's laughing at your dancing." a familiar woman's voice spoke from behind me.

I immediately turned and sat back down as well. "Oh hi, Doctor Maha." I sheepishly greeted and rubbed the back of my neck, as blood rushed to my cheek. She laughed along with Izzy at my reaction. Then, made her way to izzy's bed.

"Here's that special surprise I promised, if you did well during your shots." Doctor Maha cooed and revealed a stuffed monkey.

Izzy literally ripped it from her hands and embraced it deeply. "I love it!" she squealed and started to sway it by the arms.

"Isabelle, what do you say?" I sternly asked.

She thought for a second and quickly got up."Thank you, Doctor Maha!" she smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Aw, you're welcome, habibti!"

I scrunched my forehead. Maryam says the same thing.

"What does that mean?" she wondered.

Doctor Maha sat down beside her and explained."It mean like sweetie or honey in my language."

Izzy tilted her head to the side."That's what mommy says to me. Why do you call me that too?"

Doctor Maha chuckled."I say the same to my own children, and just like all the other kids in the hospital, I see you as my child." she replied and lightly tapped Izzy's nose.

Izzy giggled and smiled. "You're like everyone's second mommy here."

"I guess, I am." Doctor Maha agreed.

"Then, you're the best second mommy I ever had!" she exclaimed and hugged her.

I was sitting there listening to there conversation, but the last comment izzy made stuck with me. Doctor Maha is probably the only good mother figure she's ever had, besides my Aunt.

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