Chapter 17: Mama's New Crush

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I woke up when I received a text from Maryam, telling me to print out some practice worksheets for tutoring. She wasn't able to print at home, because she ran out of ink. Unfortunately, the printer in my room broke, so that means I have to use the one in my father's study.

Now, my father is very protective of his study, as if he's hiding something really big. He never allows anyone in it, when he's not around. Right now, he's out of town with my mom and their not due back for a few days.

I guess what he doesn't know, won't hurt him.

I got out of bed and went downstairs.
My aunt went away to some music convention or something. So, I've been back in my house for the last couple of days.

Boy, has it been hectic! Katie, Mary, and I had to go down to the police station and get everything settled, with the horrible incident that took place at the party. Unfortunately, our parents got involved and Mary got in trouble for sneaking out. But, it was totally worth it, because we saved Katie from being scared for the rest of her life.

I entered my father's study and sat down in his comfortable leather chair. I slouched down and relaxed with great pleasure. I've never sat in this chair before, and I'm truly glad I did today.

Hmm, I guess, I don't blame my dad for falling asleep here sometimes, it's really great.

I immediately sat up, remembering why I came here in the first place and wiggled the mouse to awake the monitor. Once, the familiar background appear, I click on Google Chrome and began printing out the worksheets.


I exited out of Chrome, as the last sheet slide out. I gather the sheets together and organized it, by tapping it together on the desk. As I was about to leave, a certain binder on the desk caught my eye. It stood out to me, because my dad isn't the type to use binders; he's more of a manila folder, kind of guy.

I set the worksheets down and reached for the binder. I opened it up and saw a stack of documents ringed up in it. The first page was blank, with just the title of our family company on it. I was just about to turn the page, when I've suddenly heard the garage door open and the sound of my parent's voices echoed through the house.

Why the hell are they back so early?

I immediately shut the binder and tried to placed it back in the same position, I found it in. I turned off the computer and quickly got out of my dad's study. I slowly shut the door behind me, as quietly as possible. Just when I thought I was home-free, Someone turned the corner and deeply cleared their throat.


"What are you doing, young man?"

I slowly turned to face him. "I was printing out some worksheets for tutoring."

He raised a brow, in disbelief. "Really, what's wrong with your printer?"

"Mine broke awhile back. Don't you remember when I told you?"

He Nodded, crossing his arm and took a few steps closer to me. I instantly stood up straight and became very stiff. "Well, next time, I want you to ask. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir." I replied quickly, staring down at my feet.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "Alright then, you can go off now."

I nodded and left, as I continued to look down. Once I arrived in the living room, I greeted my mother. Like usually, she was on the phone. As I went in for a hug, she stopped me and barked into her phone

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