Chapter Five: Ms.Goody-Goody Has Detention

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"Okay class, have a nice weekend!" Mr.Hasan dismissed everyone.

I got up with Nadia and walked with her to the door. "I can't believe that Jerk got you in trouble!" she hissed, at a hushed tone, "You didn't even do anything!"

"I know right!" I whispered back, then thought about it, "Okay, maybe I was in the wrong. But, it's still not fair though!" I pouted.

"Yeah, I guess." she agreed, giving me a small grin.

"Can you come pick me up? I don't want my mom to pick me up and get lectured on the car ride home." I begged her.

"Yes, of course, I got'chu habibti!" she exclaimed, punching her chest.

I laughed. "Ha, thank you so much!" I squealed and hugged her. Just then, someone deeply cleared their throat. It was Mr.Hasan.

"Okay, okay! I'll leave now!" Nadia surrendered to Mr.Hasan and released me."Bye, good luck!" she said, over her shoulders and left.

"Thanks, see you later." I mumbled, miserably.

"Okay, you two grab your stuff and head to the library. I already informed Ms. Darbus about you guys, go ahead now!" Mr. Hasan ordered. Surprisingly, Jesse immediately obeyed, but I hung back.

"But, Mr. Hasan-"

"No, buts! I'm sorry Maryam, I will not tolerate that kind of behavior in my classroom. I expected more from you." he sternly said. Luckily, Jesse already left for the library, so nobody else heard him. I felt so embarrassed.

I didn't want to argue, so I just nodded my head and trudged back to my desk to retrieve my belongings. I looked down and quickly walked out, so I wouldn't have to see Mr. Hasan's face. I left heading to detention.

I finally had time alone to myself, so I took my time to walk to the library and just thought about some things floating around in my head.


I stopped and whipped my head around to see what cause the noise that startled me. To my relief, it was just Janitor Gomez, who accidentally dropped his wrench. He was finally fixing that leaking water fountain. I turned back around and continued my walk of shame. But first, I made a detour and went to my locker.

I had to grab my textbooks and a granola bar I left in there this morning. I don't really like using my locker anymore. Especially, during passing hours. I prefer to use it when I'm alone in the hall.

When I use to get bullied in ninth and tenth grade, people would leave some nasty notes in there. Even though I don't get harassed anymore, I still don't use it around other people.

It's better safe, than sorry.

I zipped up my bag and shut my locker. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled my phone out. It was just some random person on Tumblr, who followed me.

Might as well, stay on.

I decided to scroll around Tumblr, while I made my way to the library. I stopped scrolling when I landed on a post about Palestine.

Another year and Israel strikes Gaza. Near Ramadan. Near summertime. Heartless bastards. It is literally 3 am in Gaza. Where is the media coverage?

I was just about to re-blog it, but suddenly the door to the boy's bathroom slammed open. Causing an excruciating pain on my forehead to introduced itself. My hands were full with my phone and books, so I wasn't able to break my fall. I had no choice, but to fall back on my butt.

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