Chapter 18: Allah and God are the Same Thing

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"What are you doing here?" we said in unison, eyeing each other and unfortunately it continued on.

"I asked first."

"Stop, copying me!"

We both grunted and just gave up. My mom looked between the two of us and raised a brow. "Is there something I missed here?"

Karim squeezed through us and ran over to him. "Jesse, I've missed you!"

Jesse held his arms wide open and hugged him. "I've missed you too, little dude." he smiled, setting Karim down on his lap.

My mom placed her things down and turned back to us. "Okay, I am so confused! Maryam, how does everyone know each other?"

I sighed and took a seat on the empty chair beside me. "Mama, this is the boy I tutor." I explained to her, then turned to Jesse, "The boy I tutor, this is my mom."

She stood there speechless, until she let out a small chuckle. "Well, I guess this is a small world after all."

Jesse set Karim down from his lap and stood to paced back and forward. "Okay, let me get this straight. Maha is your mom. She is izzy's doctor and I'm an idiot." he reviewed out loud, saying the last part to himself. But, not quiet enough, because I heard him.

"Yeah, you got it all down and the last part was just dead on." I teased, adjusting myself in the seat to a criss-cross applesauce position.

He narrowed his eyes at me and continued to pace around the room."I can't believe it-" he sighed, but paused and looked up at me with fear in his eyes,"Please, don't tell me Mr. Hassan is your uncle or something! I might just die right now!" he panicked in a low volume, running his fingers through his hair.

My mom let out a laugh, but covered her mouth when Jesse's sister twitched a little in her sleep. For a moment there, we forgot she was asleep.

Karim walked closer to the little girl and turned his head to the side. "Mama, what happened to her? She doesn't look good and she has some boo-boos on her body." Karim worried, with a remorseful expression on his face.

When he said that, I turned to Jesse and he had the most disappointing look on his face, as he watched his sister sleep. I looked down at her and she did indeed have a few bruises. Not only that, but she looked so fragile and helpless and it pained me to see a little child like this.

My mom grabbed karim, ignoring his question. "Um, how about we go get some food ready for her. How does that sound?"

He nodded in agreement without any realization, that my mom didn't want to discuss Izzy's condition and walked out the room with her. I turned to Jesse and his face was just blank, as he stared at his sister.

"Are you okay?" I quietly asked.

He snap out of his gaze and sat down on a chair."Um, yeah, I'm just thinking."

I sat down next to him and looked at him. "You know, right now is a perfect time to let everything off your chest as I listen," I suggested,"I do owe you for the last time you sat down and listened to me."

He was quiet for a moment and began to explain. "It was a while ago, my parents were out of town and I was waking Izzy up for her ballet lesson...


I knocked on Izzy's bedroom door and opened it."Izzy, wake up."

"Hm." she mumbled.

I closed her door and went to go grab a quick shower. I know she wasn't going to wake up, but I can give her ten minutes more of sleep at least.

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