Chapter Four: He Called Me Kitten

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"Where is Katie?" Nadia asked, once Mark sat down at the lunch table without Katie at his side.

He set his plate down and lifted his head."She said she wanted to be alone for a little bit."he mumbled, obviously feeling worried.

"Where could she be?" Nadia wondered.

I was silent the whole time, thinking hard about where she might possibly be. Then, a light bulb finally went off in my head. "I know where she went." I declared, slamming my fist down on the table.

I got up and quickly exited the cafeteria. I walked across the school's quad to get to the East side of the school, in order to enter the gym.

When I swung the door open, the Boy's P.E. class was currently doing a basketball drill, so I had to be extra carefully. I walked across the gym with my left shoulder rubbing against the wall. Trying my best to not get hit with a ball, or slam into the wall.

I finally made it across without breaking a sweat, or causing an incident. I hurried to the double doors that lead out to the fields. The bright sun caused me to go blind for a few seconds. But, once it adjusted, I was able to spot Katie. She was on the soccer field taking shots at the net.

I leaned against the bleachers. I watched her grunt while she kicked with all her might and pant hard afterwards.

How long has she been out here like this?

"Katie!" I called. She did turn her head, but in response she took another shot at the goal.

"Katie!" I yelled, cupping my mouth with my hands. She went to grabbed the balls in the net to set up again. When she turned back around, our eyes met. However, she was the first to break eye contact. After that, she continued to take shots at the net like nothing even happened.

Oh, so that's how she want to be! Well, two can play at this game!

Good thing I wore my Adidas Warm-ups today. If I was were jeans or a skirt, then I wouldn't be able to what I'm about to do right now.

I tightened the laces of my worn out Vans. I waited for the perfect moment to begin. Katie went further out to take her shot. When she moved a few steps back, that's when I took off running from behind her.

The moment the ball was halfway to the goal, I was able to intercept it and trap in with my thighs. I set it down beneath my right foot. I knew exactly how to get Katie to talk. All, I have to do is piss her off...

"How?" You may ask.

Well, let's just say Katie really hates it when someone blocks her shots.

Her hands turned into fists. "Give me the ball." she hissed, through gritted teeth.

I crossed my arms. "Make me."

When stared each other down for a minute or two, and Katie finally turned to walk off. "Katie, stop! I know your not mad because I'm quitting the team. Tell me what's your problem!" I said.

She stopped in her tracks, and slowly turned to face me. "You're my problem."

My face fell and my heart felt like it was stabbed with a thousand knives. "Wh-what do you mean?" I asked.

She marched right up to me and came up in my face. "I don't know, you tell me! You've been very distant lately, and I feel like our friendship is weakening. I thought me, you, and Nadia were a trio, but it seem like i'm the odd man out." she exclaimed, puffing her chest afterwards.

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