Chapter Fourteen: Confession

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Jesse's POV

I woke up and realized that I fell asleep in my bed on accident, instead of going to my Aunt's house. Then, the thoughts of last night rushed back to me and I felt like crap again. Actually, it might be, because I was still wearing these close, since I took Ronda out to breakfast yesterday.

I got up from bed and went to go take a long, hot shower. I got out and slipped on some sweatpants and a white V-neck. It was Sunday and I didn't really need to dress up.

I noticed the house was fairly quiet when I got out of my room. "Mom! Dad!" I called out, but nobody replied.
I went downstairs and found a note on the kitchen counter. Sadly, I was mistaken. It was actually just something my dad wrote down for work. I tossed it back on the counter and opened the fridge to find something to eat. Nothing looked appetizing to me, so I settled with some cereal.


By the time I was in my car, it was already 10am. My Aunt should still be asleep. So, I might even be able to pull it off and act like I came home last night. Luckily, I didn't buy any refrigerated stuff last night. I only got things like cereal, chips, bread, etc.

I arrived at her house. It wasn't a huge mansion or anything, but it's still pretty big. Especially, for a woman who lived alone. My Aunt owned a popular music shop in town, so she made good money.

I parked my car on the driveway and quietly entered through the front door. I placed my clean clothes on the stairs and continued on into the kitchen with the grocery.

I successfully put everything away were it needed to be, and I did a little victory dance. I started to moonwalk and got into Michael Jackson' mode.

"You're not a very smooth criminal." my Aunt Sasha said out of nowhere. She stood at the kitchen threshold in her PJ's and robe,"Next time if you want to sneak into the house, do it more quietly." she advised me.

I immediately stopped dancing and held my chest."You scared the crap out of me!"

Then, I tried to distract her. "Nice Michael Jackson joke." I awkwardly laughed.

"Don't try to change the subject!" she hissed. She walk up to me and poked my chest at every word she spoke."Where-have-you-been-all-night!" she demanded.

Before I could answer, she started making assumptions. "Do you go to a party? Did you do drugs there? Who dropped you home, or did you drive yourself?" she nagged.

"If you drove home drunk I will kill you!" she added, smacking my forearm.

I blocked her second slap and grabbed her shoulders to calm her down."Listen, I just went home to get more clothes and I ended up sleeping there on accident." I explained.

She sighed in relief and relaxed. "Good, because you would of been unconscious right now, if you did anything illegal."

I released her and started to laugh."I never said there wasn't a party or any illegal stuff!"

Her eyes grew wider and her face turned red. "Jesse!" she shrieked.

That was my cue to start running!

"Jesse, stop running! I promise I won't hit you. I just want to talk." she begged, as she chased me around the kitchen counter.

"I'm not stupid!" I hollered and made my way for the front door. We got outside and she started to chase me around the lawn. Some of the neighborhoods were outside gardening or walking there dogs, watching us in confusion.

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